The Journal of Medieval Latin 5/1995
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Brian Brennan, Episcopal Politics in Sixth-Century Bordeaux: Fortunatus’s Hymnus de Leontio episcopo
Justin Haynes, Roger Bacon and the Pseudo-Ovidian De vetula
Tino Licht, Revisiting the Question of Walahfrid Strabo’s Autograph: New Evidence and a New Conclusion
Leslie Lockett, Towards an Understanding of the Lost Exemplar of Augustine’s Soliloquia Consulted by the Translator of the Old English Soliloquies
Outi Kaltio, Constantine the African’s Pantegni: The Evolution of Theorica, Book V
Paul Russell, Gerald of Wales and the Rewriting of Saints’ Lives: The Hagiographical Fragments in London, British Library, MS Cotton Vitellius E.vii
Brian Long, Decoding the De physicis ligaturis: Text, Translation, Attribution