Book Series Disputatio, vol. 34

Lateran IV

Theology and Care of Souls

Clare Monagle, Neslihan Senocak (eds)

  • Pages: 219 p.
  • Size:156 x 234 mm
  • Illustrations:3 b/w
  • Language(s):English
  • Publication Year:2023

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-59680-8
  • Hardback
  • Available
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-59681-5
  • E-book
  • Available

Considers Lateran IV from a number of historiographical vantage points, enabling this book to offer a new vista upon the event.


“Der Band stellt insgesamt einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Geschichte des Vierten Lateranum dar3. Er spannt einen Bogen über die Mediävistik hinaus und bietet viele neue und anregende Aspekte, die mit dem Konnex von Theologie, Organisation der Pfarrseelsorge in Europa und dem Einfluss von römischen Reformen und Vorstellungen (Zentrum) und ihrem Wirken in der christlichen Welt (Peripherie) ein weites Tor für zukünftige Forschung aufschließen.” (Dörte Eriskat, dans Francia-Recensio, 3, 2023)

“The essays in this outstanding volume range from the heights of the Trinity to the depths of hell, and in between show us the lived experience of humans on earth. The collection brings together intellectual and social history, liturgical studies, and the interplay of ideas and institutions. Although singing with different voices, these essays come together in a polyphonous whole, showing us the Fourth Lateran Council as a project deeply caught up and connected with the art of arts, the cure of souls.” (Andrew Reeves, in The Medieval Review, 01/08/2024)

“The strength of this volume lies in the diversity of its perspectives on a Council and a pope of undeniable importance.” (Constant J. Mews, in Parergon, 41/1, 2024, p. 331)

"Overall, this book represents not only a valuable collection of case-studies based on unedited manuscript materials, but it also puts forward a new working scholarly interpretation on the legacy and dissemination of the Fourth Lateran Council (...)" (Barbara Bombi, in Sehepunkte, 10, 2024)

"Nel complesso, il volume offre un ricco contributo alla storia del Concilio La>terano IV regalando nuovi e stimolanti prospettive agli studiosi." (Gerardo Larghi, in Medioevo Europeo, 2024, p. 107)


Clare Monagle is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Modern History at Macquarie University. In 2013, she published Orthodoxy and Controversy in Twelfth-Century Religious Discourse with Brepols. Most recently, she has written a small book for Medieval Institute Publications, titled The Scholastic Project. Clare has published a number of articles on a wide variety of topics in medieval intellectual history, in journals such as Viator, Parergon, and, The Journal of Religious History.

Neslihan Şenocak is an Associate Professor of History at Columbia University, specializing in religious and intellectual history of the Middle Ages. Her first monograph was "The Poor and the Perfect: the Rise of Learning in the Franciscan Order, 1209-1310." She is now working on a monograph on the development of pastoral governance with special focus on Italy.


The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 was a foundational event in the history of Western Christendom. Lead by the reformist Pope Innocent III, the Council ushered in a new era of papal policy in governance, the implications of which would be felt throughout the continent. To some, Lateran IV represents the flourishing of the medieval papacy, as the institution sought to improve pastoral care across Europe, as well as to define theological orthodoxy. For others, Lateran IV constitutes the founding moment of the so-called ‘persecuting society’, the moment at which the Papacy articulated its identity via the category of heresy.

Lateran IV: Theology and Care of Souls assesses the pastoral and theological legacies of the Council. The volume brings together scholars of high theology, as well as those whose work engages with the practices of clerical governance in the thirteenth century. Lateran IV: Theology and Care of Souls maps the key intellectual, theological, and pastoral concerns of Lateran IV, especially revealing the influence of the medieval theologians connected to the universities on the decrees of the Council.



Part I: Theology and Lateran IV

Lateran IV, Theology, and The Pastoral — CLARE MONAGLE

Stephen Langton, Joachim of Fiore, and Trinitarian Thought at Lateran IV — MARCIA COLISH

The Devil and Other Demons: Lateran IV and the Problem of the Demonic Hierarchies — JUANITA RUYS

Part II: Care of Souls and Lateran IV

Pastor as Teacher: A New Care of Souls — NESLIHAN ŞENOCAK

‘Feed My Sheep’: Synodal Sermons as Vectors for Reform around the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) — JESSALYN BIRD

The Dispositions of the Fourth Lateran Council: The Obligatory Parish — PIER VIRGINIO AIMONE BRAIDA

The Fourth Lateran Council and the Roman Clergy — TOMMASO CARPEGNA DI FALCONIERI

Prayer, Penance, and Pastoral Care: Innocent III and Devotion to the Veronica at the Abbey of Corbie — ANNE E. LESTER
