Homo, Natura, Mundus: Human Beings and Their Relationships
Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale
Roberto Hofmeister Pich, Alfredo Storck, Alfredo Culleton (eds)
- Pages: xlv + 979 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:1 b/w, 1 col., 2 tables b/w.
- Language(s):English, German, Spanish
- Publication Year:2021
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59263-3
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59264-0
- E-book
- Available
The 65 essays contemplate current research questions in Latin, Jewish, and Arabic Philosophy, and Early Modern Scholasticism, leading the general theme of "Homo – Natura – Mundus: Human Beings and their Relationships" in new directions.
Roberto Hofmeister Pich is Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre / RS, Brazil. He has written and edited books about the philosophy of John Duns Scotus and the reception of the Scotist and other medieval "schools" in Latin American scholasticism. His areas of interest in medieval philosophy and early modern scholasticism include logic, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics and political philosophy. He also works on the philosophy of religion across historical and contemporary perspectives.
Alfredo Carlos Storck is Professor of Philosophy at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre / RS, Brazil. His research is focused on the history of medieval philosophy and particularly the reception of Second Scholasticism in Latin America, as well as the contemporary philosophy of law.
Alfredo Santiago Culleton, born in Buenos Aires, lives in Porto Alegre / RS, Brazil, and is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo / RS, Brazil. His fields of research are, primarily, ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of law, focusing on medieval philosophy and Second Scholasticism.
The present volumes contain a number of studies first presented at the XIV International Congress of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, July 24-28, 2017, Porto Alegre, Brazil – which happened to be the first SIEPM Congress in Latin America and the first in the Southern Hemisphere. In 65 essays on current research questions in Latin, Jewish, and Arabic Philosophy, and Early Modern Scholasticism, the contributors explore the general theme of "Homo – Natura – Mundus: Human Beings and their Relationships," and lead us to new perspectives. These essays relate to the following areas of interest: the human being’s self-understanding as a rational creature in multiple relationships (with God, the other, the community, the fellow and the different); the human being’s place in the natural world and the possibility of relating to nature through knowledge; medieval philosophical traditions and the challenges introduced by the "discovery" of the "New World" (dominium, war, hierarchies, and new areas of concern with respect to justice, the human good, and the law). Thus, these volumes offer a unique sample of scholarly studies that work with the idea of "relationships" in two distinct, but not opposing, directions. Firstly, they explore the ways in which human beings, according to the reach of their soul’s powers, construct their self-understanding and existence in relation to God, themselves, others and the natural world. Secondly, they explore the ways in which the philosophical bases for the understanding of these relationships were challenged by the transportation of medieval ideas to the "New World" and by the reception of these ideas in early modern times.
Preface by Prof. Dr. Loris Sturlese, Former President of the SIEPM
Preface by the Editors
Part I – Plenary Sessions
(1) The Scientific View, Andreas Speer
(2) Plants, Animals and Human Beings in the Aristotelian Science of the Soul: Some Medieval Views, Silvia Donati
(3) How Human Beings Grasp Nature – John Buridan on Knowing Substances, Rodrigo Guerizoli
(4) The Human Being and Its Dignity – Three Medieval Models, Fiorella Retucci
(5) Human Relationships and Human Attitudes in the Medieval Universities, Olga Weijers
(6) The Noble Vita activa: The Philosopher’s Relation to the Many, Steven Harvey
(7) Las relaciones de poder en la teoría política islámica, Rafael Ramón Guerrero
(8) From Salamanca to Mexico: On Justifying Empire, Joerg Alejandro Tellkamp
Part II – Ordinary and Special Sessions
1. The Human Being as a Creature and the Knowledge of God
(9) Deconstructing the Substantialist Conception of God: Recasting Heidegger’s Critique of Augustine, Nythamar de Oliveira
(10) A condição paradoxal da natureza humana decaída frente ao mundo criado em Santo Agostinho, Matheus Jeske Vahl
(11) A antropologia de Anselmo de Aosta: fundamentação teológica e desdobramentos filosóficos, Manoel Vasconcellos
(12) Gerard of Bologna and the Debate on the Epistemological Status of Revealed Theology, David Piché
(13) Marta y María: la singular exégesis eckhartiana en torno a la correlación de vida activa y contemplativa, Silvana Filippi
2. Human Beings and the Powers of the Soul
(14) Fundamentos de la adquisición cognitiva en al-Fārābī: Una lectura sobre las cogniciones primarias desde la discusión teológica, Nicolás Moreira Alaniz
(15) Intellect and Internal Senses in Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Nafs V, Meline Costa Sousa
(16) Free Will in Ibn Bājja’s Physics, Said El Bousklaoui
(17) Abélard et la notion aristotélicienne d’habitude, Guy Hamelin
(18) Manifestation et expérience : la métaphysique de la vision et de la perception sensorielle de Suhrawardī selon sa Philosophie de l’illumination (Ḥikmat al-išrāq), Mateus Domingues da Silva
(19) Mittelalterliche Anthropologie im Umbruch: Das Lehrstück von den vires motivae animae rationalis des Albertus Magnus, Henryk Anzulewicz
(20) Albert the Great’s Ethical Commentaries and al-Farabi’s De intellectu, Tracy Wietecha
(21) Petrus Hispanus’ Discussion of the Soul as Harmony, José F. P. Meirinhos
(22) Homo – mundus, la relación cognoscitiva entre el hombre y el mundo en Tomás de Aquino: representación vs. información, Emiliano Javier Cuccia
(23) Reasons for Willing – John Duns Scotus’ Critical Assessment of Aristotle’s Notion of Rational and Non-Rational Powers, Gloria Silvana Elías
(24) A teoria dos hábitos de Ockham: considerações preliminares, Laiza Rodrigues de Souza,
3. The Senses, the Imagination, and the Arts
(25) Arenques frescos ou o meu último desejo, Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento
(26) Lúlio e as virtudes dos cavaleiros nos esmaltes heráldicos do Armorial Equestre Toison d’or, Diego Apellaniz Borba
(27) Imágenes en Ramon Llull: intento de categorización, Nicolás Martínez Bejarano
(28) Literature and Philosophy in the Monastic Context of 14th Century Florence, Myrtha de Meo-Ehlert
(29) Ideias filosóficas na arte barroca do Brasil Colonial, Idalgo J. Sangalli
4. Language and Communication
(30) Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas on the Nature of Signs, Mercedes Rubio
(31) Wie lässt sich das Seiende durch die Sprache beschreiben? Eine Reflexion über Dietrich von Freibergs Sprachtheorie, Tamar Tsopurashvili
(32) Translatio linguarum and Popularisation of Philosophy in the Middle Ages, A Historical Witness on Popularisation of Philosophy, Loris Sturlese
(33) Buridan et la virtus sermonis, Roberta Miquelanti
5. Human Beings in Relationships: Otherness, Difference, and Social Life
(34) La ontología como fundamento de la política en al-Fārābī, Francisca Galiléia Silva
(35) Nature humaine et les relations entre individus : à travers l'Épître sur l’amour d’Avicenne (Risālh fy māhyẗ āl ʿšq), Aicha Lahdhiri
(36) The Relationship between Jews and Non-Jews According to Judah Halevi, Daniel J. Lasker
(37) Andrés el Capellán y la auctoritas femenina, Nicolás Martínez Sáez
(38) Lullus and Arabic Thought, Josep Puig Montada
(39) William of Ockham on Children, Vesa Hirvonen
(40) Body and Rationality: The Philosophical Contribution of Christine de Pizan, Ana Rieger Schmidt
6. Slavery
(41) “Hi sunt natura servi.” Natural Inequality and Biology in Albert the Great’s Politica, Alessandro Palazzo
(42) Thomas d’Aquin et Vitoria : de l’acceptation à l’abolition de l’esclavage des esclaves par nature d’Aristote, Emmanuel Bermon
(43) A moral econômica e o tráfico de escravos na escolástica ibero-americana: Tomás de Mercado e a Suma de tratos y contratos (1571), Alfredo S. Culleton
(44) El derecho a la vida y la salvación en los subyugados: los derechos naturales de los esclavos africanos en Alonso de Sandoval, Manuel Méndez Alonzo
(45) Freedom and Slavery in the Thought Antonio Vieira, Paulo Ricardo Martines
(46) Two Attitudes Towards Slavery in Colonial Brazil, Alfredo Carlos Storck
7. Nature, World, and Reality
(47) Philoponus against the Incorruptibility of Celestial Bodies, Matheus Henrique Gomes Monteiro
(48) The Virtue of the Adulterous Woman: Ibn Gabirol on the Dignity of Matter, Cecília Cavaleiro de Macedo
(49) A distinção entre contínuo e discreto em Alberto Magno. Uma análise sobre o comentário à Physica V.3, Marco Aurélio Oliveira Silva
(50) A Logic of Exchange? Disagreements between Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, Katja Krause
(51) El mundo en el Logos divino – Preexistencia inteligible y vital de las creaturas en Dios, Juan José Herrera
(52) The Heuristic Role of the History of Philosophy and Science in Roger Bacon’s Intellectual Project, Daniel González-García
(53) The Weaker and Stronger Senses of Scotus’s Formal Distinction, Guido J. Alt
(54) Scotus, Durandus & nominales – Prescienza e natura dei demoni nell’Exercitium academicum circa praescientiam daemonum expendendam occupatum di Dietrich Lüders, Riccardo Fedriga e Roberto Limonta
(55) The Concept of Spiritus in Walter Burley’s Parva naturalia Commentaries, Marek Gensler
(56) Reception of the Works of Nicholas of Cusa in the Manuscripts from the Erfurt Charterhouse in the Fifteenth Century, Mikhail Khorkov
(57) What Did Nicholas of Cusa Mean with His Conception of the Universe as Indefinite?, Jean-Michel Counet
(58) Is There for Francisco Suárez a Real Final Cause in All Beings?, César Ribas Cezar
(59) A Física especial y curiosa de Francisco Javier Trías e o Curso de Filosofia no Collegium Maragnonense, Luiz Fernando Medeiros Rodrigues
8. Normativity and Law
(60) Natural Law and the Distinction between Conscience and Synderesis in Henry of Ghent, Gustavo Barreto Vilhena de Paiva
(61) A relação entre lei natural e justiça política em Tomás de Aquino, Camila Ezidio
(62) Transkulturelle Auslegungen des Göttlichen Rechts: Die Quellen von Meister Eckharts Dekalogauslegung, Görge K. Hasselhoff
(63) Ius post bellum – Francisco de Vitoria e as condições para a restauração da paz, Renata Floriano de Sousa
(64) “Obedezco pero no cumplo”: A Study about Servibumbres personales de indios (1604) by Miguel de Agia, Lucas Duarte Silva
(65) Diego de Avendaño’s Probablistic Understanding of Right Conscience and Prudential Acts, Roberto Hofmeister Pich
Index of Manuscripts
Index of Ancient and Medieval Names
Index of ‘Second Scholastic’ Authors
Index of Modern and Contemporary Authors