The Age of Affirmation
Venice, the Adriatic and the Hinterland between the 9th and 10th Centuries
Stefano Gasparri, Sauro Gelichi (eds)
- Pages: 400 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:48 b/w, 22 col., 3 tables b/w.
- Language(s):English, Italian, French
- Publication Year:2018
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57925-2
- Paperback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57926-9
- E-book
- Available
This volume refers to the "age of consolidation" of Venice in the 9th and 10th centuries. All the twelve papers of the volume consider a Venetian reality as already formed, even in its early days; a social, economic and political community which, at this moment in time, reinforces its urban aspect, and creates the basis for the growth that will characterize its history after the tenth century.
"Durch umsichtige Kontextualisierung nicht nur schriftlicher Quellen und Akzentuierung der Naturgegebenheiten ver>leiht dieser Band der recht lebendigen Diskussion um die Frühgeschichte von Rialto und Olivolo als Kern der späteren städtischen Entwicklung Venedigs zahlreiche neue Impulse." (Knut Görich, in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 80(1), 2024, p. 396)
Stefano Gasparri is a Full Professor of Medieval History at the University of Ca’ Foscari. He has published monographs and many articles on Italian history of the Early Middle Ages. He is co-founder of the website “Reti Medievali. Iniziative on line per gli studi medievistici,” director of the Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l'archeologia dell'alto medio (SAAME), and president of SISMED (Società degli storici medievisti italiani).
Sauro Gelichi is a Full Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Ca’ Foscari. He has been director of many archaeological researches both in Italy and outside (Tunisia, Syria, Turkey, Montenegro) and has published monographs and many articles on archaeological and historical subjects. He is the main editor of the Journal Archeologia Medievale.
This volume brings together the Proceedings of the seminar held on 29 and 30 October 2015 at the Department of Humanities of Ca 'Foscari University of Venice. The title of the book, which is the same as the seminar, refers to the "age of consolidation" of Venice, that had been identified by the promoters of the initiative as the 9th and 10th centuries. All the papers in the volume, therefore, consider a Venetian reality as already formed, even in its early days; a reality, or rather a social, economic and political community which, at this moment in time, reinforces its urban aspect, and creates the basis for the growth that will characterize its history after the tenth century.
The book collects twelve papers of archaeological, historical, epigraphic and historical-artistic subject.
Stefano Gasparri, Sauro Gelichi, Introduction
Francesco Borri, Captains and Pirates: Ninth Century Dalmatia and its Rulers
Stéphane Gioanni, Venise et les missions pontifi cales vers le ducatus et le regnum de Dalmatie-Croatie (IXe-XIe siecle)
Maddalena Betti, Affari di frontiera. Politica e commercio in Europa centrale tra VII e fi ne IX secolo
Sauro Gelichi, Margherita Ferri, Cecilia Moine, Venezia e la laguna tra IX e X secolo: strutture materiali, insediamenti, economie
Carlo Beltrame, On the Origin of Ship Construction in Venice
Annamaria Pazienza, Venice beyond Venice. Commercial Agreements and Pacta from the Origins to Pietro II Orseolo
Chiara Provesi, Il confl itto tra Coloprini e Morosini: una storia di fi umi, di terre e di persone
Francesco Veronese, In Venetiarum partibus reliquias adportatas. Reichenau e la costruzione di una rappresentazione agiografi ca delle Venetiae (IX-X secolo)
Veronica West-Harling, Personal Names and Saints’ Cults in Venice, the Adriatic and the entroterra in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries
Stefano Riccioni, I mosaici altomedievali di Venezia e il monastero di S. Ilario. Orditi ‘venetico-carolingi’ di una koinè alto Adriatica
Flavia De Rubeis, Scrittura longobarda, bizantina o carolingia? Retaggi, modelli e imitazioni tra Ravenna, Venezia e l’Istria nei secoli VIII-X
Alessandra Molinari, La Sicilia e le trasformazioni delle reti di scambio mediterranee. Secoli IX-X
Colour Plates
Index of Names