Book Series Bibliologia, vol. 50

Change in Medieval and Renaissance Scripts and Manuscripts

Proceedings of the 19th Colloquium of the Comité international de paléographie latine (Berlin, 16-18 September, 2015)

Eef Overgaauw, Martin Schubert (eds)

  • Pages: 340 p.
  • Size:216 x 280 mm
  • Illustrations:94 b/w, 8 col., 17 tables b/w.
  • Language(s):English, French, German
  • Publication Year:2019

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-57875-0
  • Paperback
  • Available


Eef Overgaauw is Head of Manuscripts at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and honorary professor of Palaeography and Codicology at Freie Universität Berlin.

Martin Schubert is researcher at the Berlin-Academy of Sciences and lecturer at the Humboldt Universität Berlin


Palaeographers and codicologists have gradually developed concepts and terms to analyse change in medieval and Renaissance scripts and manuscripts. Some of these endeavour to offer explanatory models, either for specific phenomena or for general trends. Others are essentially descriptive, typological and chronological, referring to implicit (traditional) theories of historical evolution. The papers in this book offer a wide range of palaeographical and codicological case-studies describing and analysing "change". Several papers offer the outlines of a theoretical framework, bringing out the conditions for the evolution of scripts as well as for progress in the production and distribution of texts and manuscripts.



Teresa De Robertis, Nicoletta Giovè, Come cambia la scrittura

Ainoa Castro Correa, The Regional Study of Visigothic Script: Visigothic Script vs. Caroline Minuscule in Galicia

Peter A. Stokes, Change and Variation in Eleventh-Century English Script

Walter Koch, Schriftwandel bei Notaren in der hochmittelalterlichen Reichskanzlei

Irene Ceccherini, Cursivité et institutions. L’écriture de la chancellerie de France entre la fin du XIIe et la fin du XIIIe siècle

Elena E. Rodríguez Díaz, El origen del libro gótico en los reinos de Castilla y León. La diferente ubicación de las iniciales secundarias y mayúsculas

Vladimir I. Mazhuga, Le changement d’aspect de la page dans les manuscrits juridiques italiens à la période préaccursienne (d’après les manuscrits et les fragments conservés à Saint-Pétersbourg)

Dominique Stutzmann, Résistance au changement ? Les écritures des livres d’heures dans l’espace français (1200-1600)

Martin Schubert, The Invention of Space. Verses and the Line Break in Medieval German Manuscripts

Nataša Golob, Painted Key-Words: Accessing Contents by Images

Laura Albiero, Le bréviaire, de l’autel à la poche. Quelques considérations à propos des bréviaires portatifs

Chiara Ruzzier, Les changements dans la fabrication du livre aux XIVe et XVe siècles d’après les manuscrits des abbayes bénédictines des Pays-Bas méridionaux

Laura Regnicoli, David Speranzi, Mutamenti, continuità e interazioni delle scritture distintive librarie latine e greche nel Quattrocento fiorentino

Martin Wagendorfer, Universitätsakten anders gelesen. Kulturtransfer, Transformation und die Humanistica nördlich der Alpen

Francisco M. Gimeno Blay, Muestrario gráfico del otoño medieval: Ars litteraria y Ars alphabetica de Hartmann Schedel. De Núremberg a Padua

Session APICES

Colleen M. Curran, Standardization Through Hybridization: The Morphology of English Caroline Script

Matilde Silla Sgarbi, Codicologia d’archivio. I più antichi registri di imbreviature dell’Archivio di Stato di Firenze

Renáta Modráková, The Change of Historical Periods. Manuscripts and Scribes from St George’s Convent at Prague Castle in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries

Marco Antonio Siciliani, Scritture di frontiera. Alcune riflessioni su cultura grafica, luoghi e sistemi di produzione libraria ad Avignone nel XIV secolo

Elisabetta Sciarra, Codici e libri stampati postillati: note di possesso, note di lettura, note di studio nella base dati dei possessori della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana di Venezia