The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches. Crete 2016
Alberto Melloni, Davide Dainese (eds)
- Pages: 354 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):English, Greek, Slavonic
- Publication Year:2017
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57504-9
- Hardback
- Available
“Si può (...) affermare, in conclusione, che questo IV volume sui concili delle chiese ortodosse non solo affianca degnamente gli altri già eccellenti volumi della serie dei COGD, ma offre un prezioso strumento di consultazione che gli studiosi, specialisti e non, terranno a lungo a portata di mano.” (Cristiano Diddi, in Europa Orientalis, 36, 2017, p. 508)
“The COGD series is an impressive enterprise (…) In summary: these collections are very useful, and are generally very well done. It goes without saying that anyone who wishes to study these Councils must take account of a great deal of material outside the decrees themselves.” (Bengt Alexanderson, in Augustinianum, 58/1, 2018, p. 265-266)
“Die Stärke der Dissertation liegt in der Fülle des durchforsteten und aufbereiteten Archivmaterials, für die jeder Leser und jeder Leserin nur dankbar sein kann.” (A. R. Batlogg SJ, in Theologie und Philosophie, 1, 2020, p. 140)
Introduction: The Holy and Great Council of Crete
Background and Outset
Towards Chambésy
From the Synaxis of January 2016 to the Council
The Convocation of the Council and the Final Straight
The Assembly
Concilium Cretense 2016
Index Locorum S. Scripturae
Index Fontium