Mapping New Territories in Art and Architectural Histories
Essays in honour of Roger Stalley
Danielle O'Donovan, Niamh NicGhabhann (eds)
- Pages: xiii + 577 p.
- Size:220 x 280 mm
- Illustrations:160 b/w, 50 col., 20 tables b/w.
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2022
- ISBN: 978-2-503-56462-3
- Paperback
- Available
Reflecting the major developments in the scholarship of medieval art and architecture in the past forty years and using the island of Ireland as a central axis, this volume brings together new perspectives on medieval art and architecture from established and emerging scholars.
“Brepols should be congratulated on this handsomely produced, amply footnoted and illustrated, sizeable and weighty (2.5 kilos) volume. (…) absolutely worthy of the dedicatee.” (RICHARD HALSEY, in Medieval Archaeology, 67/1, 2023, p. 248)
This edited collection of essays marks and traces new departures in the study of medieval art and architecture from the 1970s to the present day. Bringing together many of the scholars who have shaped the field of enquiry since the advent of the methodological or linguistic turn in humanities scholarship from the 1970s onwards, together with emerging scholars who are defining new methods and approaches to their subject in recent years, this volume represents the contemporary condition of medieval scholarship. In taking Ireland as a central axis, this volume also reflects and responds to the redefinition of ideas of influence, of cultural centre and periphery, focusing on concepts of transfer, movement and the dynamism of medieval forms and ideas. Further to this, the volume investigates the dynamism of medieval scholarship from the 1970s to the present day, reflecting the career span of Professor Roger Stalley, whose own path-breaking work continually crosses disciplinary boundaries, and in doing so, shaped and reshaped the understand of medieval Ireland, and in turn, its relationships with the wider world.
Eterne Deus — Tim O’Neill
Roger Stalley — Terence Barry
The History of Art and the Art of History: An Historian’s Perspective of the Work of Roger Stalley— Howard B. Clarke
Hermits and their Habitats — Colleen M. Thomas
Ferdomnach and the Ninth- to Twelfth-Century Books of Armagh: Exuberant Exhibitionist or Accomplished Antiquary? — Michelle P. Brown
Recently Discovered Early Cross Slabs at Aghowle, Co. Wicklow — Colmán Etchingham
The Proportions of the St Gall Plan: A Response to Werner Jacobsen’s Critique of the Use of the Square Root of Two, with a Statistical Analysis of the Techniques Employed in the Drawing — Eric Fernie, with an Appendix by Tom Fearn
The Rise and Demise of a Building Type: Romanesque Canons’ Churches Reconfigured— Jill A Franklin
Observations on the Conception of Architecture and its Realization in the Medieval Period: The Kailasanatha at Ellora — Peter Draper
The Romanesque Church of Kilmalkedar in Context — Richard Gem
Teampall Bhreacáin, Aran, its Five Phases and Obscured Doorway — Conleth Manning
Altars, Graves and Cenotaphs: Leachta as Foci for Ritual in Early Medieval Ireland — Tomás Ó Carragáin
Animal and Bird Ornament on the ‘Tara’ Brooch: A Stylistic Analysis — Niamh Whitfield
Aspects of English Associations for the Beginnings of Romanesque Architecture in Munster — Malcolm Thurlby
‘The Construction and Decoration of Cormac’s Chapel at Cashel’: Some Recent Observations ‘After’ Professor Roger Stalley — Lynda S Mulvin
The Description of the Cup of the Last Supper in Adomnán’s De locis sanctis and Early Irish Chalices — Michael Ryan
‘Of sheep and men’: The Annunciation to the Shepherds in the St Albans Psalter — Thomas Alexander Heslop
The Sealed Word? Book-Boxes and Book-Shrines: The Irish Dimension — Paul Mullarkey
Marginal Drawings in Stone: Hidden Sketches at Santa Maria de Piasca and their Implications for Twelfth-Century Sculptural Practices in Northern Spain — Tessa Garton
A Fourteenth-Century Image Niche at Thurgarton Priory — Nicola Coldstream
The Architecture of the Valliscaulian Order in Scotland — Richard Fawcett
‘Clothed with Her Flesh’: A Florentine Madonna Del Cucito — Catherine Lawless
‘A most studious man, a researcher and collector of sacred and profane books’: Robert of Torigni and the Making of the Mont-Saint-Michel Chronicle (Avranches Bibliothèque Municipale MS 159) — Laura Cleaver
Mapping Medieval Architecture — Stephen Murray
William Marshal (1146/7–1219) and the turris rotunda — Dr Jill Unkel
Anglo-Norman Parish Churches: Origins, Contexts and Patronage — Adrian Empey
The Lost Ivories of Tournai — Catherine Yvard
Was the Builder of the ‘Crazy Vault’ Actually Crazy? Reaction and Response in the Thirteenth Century at Lincoln Cathedral — Jennifer S Alexander
Architectural Sculpture in Friaries in the West of Ireland: Franciscan and Dominican Houses in the Connacht Burke Lordships — Yvonne McDermott
The Town Hall in Early Modern Ireland — Raymond Gillespie
Luganese stuccatori at the Palatine Chapel of Aachen and Beyond — Christine Casey
Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Procrustean — Edward McParland
The Afterlife of the Rural Medieval Parish Church in Ireland: To What Extent Did Medieval Parish Church Buildings Survive into the Early Nineteenth Century? — Michael O Neill
Irish Women as Antiquarians, Architects and Educational Writers of the Early Nineteenth Century — Rolf Loeber
A Victorian Kentish Archaeologist — Terence Barry
Charles Blacker Vignoles, the Irish Picturesque, and the Unbuilt Railway to Berehaven, 1836–38 — Richard J. Butler
Ruins and Dis(re)membering — Yvonne Scott
Roger Stalley and Richard Morris, Memories from a Former Student— John Montague