Book Series Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 268

Robertus Grosseteste

Versio Caelestis Hierarchiae Pseudo-Dionysii Areopagitae cum scholiis ex Graeco sumptis necnon commentariis notulisque eiusdem Lincolniensis

Declan A. Lawell (ed)

  • Pages: 330 p.
  • Size:155 x 245 mm
  • Language(s):Latin, English
  • Publication Year:2015

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-55593-5
  • Hardback
  • Available

Robert Grosseteste's translation of and commentary on the Celestial Hierarchy of Pseudo-Dionysius.


Declan Lawell is a Teacher of Latin in Liverpool. He has already published volumes by Thomas Gallus in the Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis series.


This volume contains Robert Grosseteste's translation of the Pseudo-Dionysius's Celestial Hierarchy. The Latin text is accompanied by Grosseteste's translation of the Greek scholia as well as his commentary and notes made on the Celestial Hierarchy and scholia. Grosseteste's work presents another insight into the renaissance of Dionysian studies which took place in the thirteenth century, as witnessed by commentators on the Areopagite such as Aquinas, Albert and Thomas Gallus. Grosseteste's commentary is greatly informed by his command of the Greek language which resulted in not only a detailed philological understanding of the Greek but also in a rich interpretation of the mind of Dionysius.


Dionysius Areopagita — Robertus Grosseteste: Versio Caelestis Hierarchiae Dionysii Areopagitae cum scholiis ex Graeco sumptis necnon commentariis notulisque eiusdem Roberti Grosseteste — ed. D.A. Lawell, J. McEvoy, J.St. McQuade