Travels and Mobilities in the Middle Ages
From the Atlantic to the Black Sea
Marianne O'Doherty, Felicitas Schmieder (eds)
- Pages: xliii + 344 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:20 b/w
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2015
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55449-5
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55505-8
- E-book
- Available
Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to medieval travels and mobilities from the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2010.
"Collectively, however, the essays in this volume do convincingly challenge "the caricature of general stasis punctuated by the occasional exceptional individual or movement" (xiii) and succeed in demonstrating the embeddedness of medieval mobility in a broad range of social, cultural, religious, and political contexts." (Sharon Kinoshita, in: The Medieval Review 16.02.44)
"(…) this collection makes a valuable contribution to medieval and early modern travel studies, turning away from exceptional travel literature, and instead presenting insightful new readings of everyday mobilities, taken from the more novel perspectives of gender studies, identity, and material culture." (Jason Stoessel, in Parergon, 33/2, 2016, p. 160)
"In vielen Feldern eröffnet der Band die Forschungsdiskussion und ist enthusiastisch engagiert mit den neuen Perspektiven (…) Die Einleitung der Herausgeber spricht bereits viele der möglichen Felder weiterer Studien auf diesem weiten Themengebiet an. Das unterstreicht einmal mehr, wie erfreulich dieser Sammelband ein aktuelles Feld der Forschung aufgreift und zum weiteren Austausch darüber anregt." (Romedio Schmitz-Esser, in Mediaevistik, 29, 2016, p. 373)
“Alcuni dei temi affrontati sono (…) assai innovativi e propongono dei percorsi di ricerca interdisciplinari che possono servire da modello per ulteriori approfondimenti.” (Gian Paolo G. Scharf, negli Studi Medievali, 1, 2017, p. 460)
This collection of research, which brings together contributions from scholars around the world, reflects the range and variety of work that is currently being undertaken in the field of travel and mobility in the European Middle Ages. The essays draw on diverse methodological approaches, from the archival and literary to the art historical and archaeological. The collection focuses not just on key medieval modes of travel and mobility, but also on themes whose relevance continues to resonate in the modern world. Topics touched upon include religious and diplomatic journeys, migration, mobility and governance, gendered mobilities, material culture and mobility, mobility and disability, travel and status, and notions of home and abroad. Broad themes are approached through case studies of individuals, families, and groups, ranging from kings, queens, and nobles to friars, exiles, and students. The geographical reach of the collection is particularly broad, encompassing travellers from Southern, Western, Northern, Central and Eastern Europe and journeys to destinations as diverse as Scandinavia, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Indian Ocean. A wide-ranging and detailed introduction situates the collection in its scholarly context.
Introduction: Travels and Mobilities in the Middle Ages: From the Atlantic to the Black Sea - MARIANNE O’DOHERTY and FELICITAS SCHMIEDER
Centres and Peripheries: Travellers to and on the Margins
‘Them Friars Dash About’: Mendicant terminatione in Medieval Scandinavia — JOHNNY GRANDJEAN GØGSIG JAKOBSEN
Papal Delegations to the Edge of the World: Visits from the Papal Curia to Norway between 1050 and 1536 — SAEBJORG WALAKER NORDEIDE
From the Edge of Europe to Global Empire: Portuguese Medicine Abroad (Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries) — IONA MCCLEERY
Have Crutch, Will Travel: Disabled People on the Move in Medieval Europe — IRINA METZLER
Nobility of the Road: Travel and Status
Why Didn't King Stephen Crusade? — JOHN HOSLER
The Travels of Ivan Babonić: The Mobility of Slavonian Noblemen in the Fourteenth Century — HRVOJE KEKEZ
The Perfect Gentle Knight: Fourteenth-Century Crusaders in Prussia — MARY FISCHER
Men and Women on the Move: Gendered Mobilities
Dangerous Travellers: Identity, Profession, and Gender among the German Landsknechts (1450–1570) — STEFANIE RÜTHER
‘On the Road Again’: The Semi-Nomadic Career of Yolande of Aragon (1400–1439) — ZITA EVA ROHR
Mobility and Masculinity: Scholars’ Self-Perceptions in the Later Middle Ages — MAXIMILIAN SCHUH
Migration and Return: Peoples and Objects on the Move
Slavs but Not Slaves: Slavic Migrations to Southern Italy in the Early and High Middle Ages — ZRINKA NIKOLIĆ JAKUS
Ex partibus orientalibus translata ad hanc urbem:The Evacuation of Elements of Church Decoration from Pera to Genoa in 1461 — RAFAŁ QUIRINI-POPŁAWSKI
A Herald and his Objects in Exile: Roger Machado and his Memorandum Book, 1484–85 — GEMMA WATSON
Index of Peoples and Places