Legati, delegati e l’impresa d’Oltremare (secoli XII-XIII) / Papal Legates, Delegates and the Crusades (12th-13th Century)
Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 9-11 marzo 2011
Maria-Pia Alberzoni, Pascal Montaubin (eds)
- Pages: 494 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:4 b/w
- Language(s):Italian, German, English
- Publication Year:2015
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55441-9
- Paperback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55510-2
- E-book
- Available
Proceedings of the international congress held in Milano (9-11 March 2011) on papal delegates in the crusades of the 12th and 13th centuries.
« (…) cet ouvrage regroupe treize études originales présentées par les meilleurs spécialistes de la papauté et des croisades (…) On ne saurait rendre compte en quelques lignes de la richesse de cet ouvrage (…) » (Damien Carraz, dans Le Moyen Age, 122/2, 2016, p. 432)
“This volume is an admirable and welcome contribution to recent research on the papacy and papal legates in the field of crusade studies.” (Adam Bishop, dans Revue d’historie ecclésiastique, 112/1-2, 2017, p. 322)
Maria Pia Alberzoni is Professor of medieval history at the Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan (Italy). Pascal Montaubin is Maître de conférences in medieval history at the Université de Picardie-Jules Verne in Amiens (France).
While the huge historiographical production on medieval crusades mainly stresses the part played by princes, the aristocracy and military orders, the proceedings of the international congress held at the Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan on 9th-11th March 2011 focus on a topic which has received far less attention: the importance of the popes and their delegates in the organization before departure and the conduct of the armies sent to liberate the Holy Land in the 12th and 13th centuries. The recent revival of studies on the representation of the Supreme Pontiff has led to reconsider the actions of the papal governement in the crusades. In this volume, fourteen specialists throw new light on the clerks and prelates (cardinals, legates, nuncios, papal chaplains, etc.) who were commissioned by the popes to set up and lead crusades, on their origins and careers, on their methods of preaching and collecting taxes, on their diplomatic relations, on the obligations of their missions and their liberty to act, etc. Devoting greater attention to papal delegates will help to better understand the complex inner history of the military pilgrims to Jerusalem.
Maria Pia Alberzoni, Pascal Montaubin
Klaus Herbers
Das göttinger Papsturkundenwerk, Legaten, Delegaten und die Kreuzzungsforschung.
Uta Renate Blumenthal
Ad liberandam Terram sanctam und die Kanonistik.
Jochen Johrendt
Der vierte Kreuzzug, das lateinische Kaiserreich und die päpstliche Kapelle unter Innocenz III.
Marco Rainini
Gioacchino da Fiore predicatore della crociata.
Miriam Rita Tessera
La croce del legato. Conone di Preneste, il papato e i riflessi della missione in Oriente.
Cristina Andenna
Fidelissimus mediator: Alberto patriacra di Gerusalemme e legato papale in Terra Santa. I suoi interventi nelle questioni della succesione di regni d’Oriente.
Werner Maleczek
Die päpstlichen Legaten beim vierten Kreuzzug (Petrus Capuanus, Soffred von S. Prassede).
Barbara Bombi
Papal legates and their preaching of the crusades in England between the twelfth and the thirteenth centuries.
Christian Grasso
Legati papali e predicatori della quinta crociata.
Maria Pia Alberzoni
Le legazioni di Ugo d’Ostia (1217-1221) e l’organizzazione della crociata.
Pascal Montaubin
L’homme-clé de la croisade de 1270: le légat Raoul Grosparmi, cardinal-évêque d’Albano.
Pietro Silanos
‘Adhereat lingua mea faucibus meis si non praeposuero Ierusalem in capite laetitiae meae’. Gerolamo d’Ascoli, l’impresa d’Oltremare e la legazione ad graecos (1272).
Giuseppe Ligato
Nicola de Hanapes, patriarca di Gerusalemme e legato pontificio, alla caduta di S. Giovanni d’Acri.
Franco Cardini
Riflessioni conclusive.