- Pages: 194 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Illustrations:3 tables b/w.
- Language(s):Latin, English
- Publication Year:2017
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55278-1
- Hardback
- Available
The first critical edition of Aelred of Rievaulx's historical and hagiographical works.
"Den beiden Editoren kann nicht genug dafür gedankt werden, der Forschung Texte zur Verfügung gestellt zu haben, auf deren Grundlage sich die Untersuchungen zu Leben und Werk einer der faszinierendsten Persönlichkeiten des 12. Jahrhunderts sowohl in Breite als auch in Tiefe weiterentwickeln dürften." (Ralf Lützelschwab, in: Sehepunkte, 18, 2018, Nr. 1 [15.01.2018])
"Domenic Pezzini has provided these editions with an extraordinary amount of introductory matter. In fact, the Introduction comes to 270 pages, whereas the editions themselves take up only 150 pages. The volume concludes with the standard indices of scriptural references, sources, names, and places. (...) In conclusion, this volume will long be the standard reference for the text of Aelred's historical and hagiographical writings, and will no doubt guide several generations of readers in their appreciation and study of these works." Elias Dietz, OCSO, in Cistercian Studies Quarterly, 54/1, 2019, p. 122-125)
« Remercions les deux éditeurs qui, avec des approches assez différentes (D. P. est plus disert et sa longue introduction explore une grande variété d’aspects, F. M. se limite davantage aux aspects philologiques dans une introduction plus concise), ont mis à la disposition des chercheurs l’ensemble de la production hagiographique d’Aelred, portant ainsi à son terme l’édition de ses œuvres dans le Corpus Christianorum. » (R. Godding, in Analecta Bolladiana, 138, 2020, p. 215)
"These two volumes (CCCM 3 and 3A) of Aelred’s historical works individually and together represent a heroic contribution to Aelredian scholarship and must be unstintingly celebrated. Without pretending to speak for someone who so long ago left writing behind, I can only think that Aelred would be amazed and delighted at the testimony of these books and their editors, and at that of all the scribes, editors, and translators over the centuries, to his determined efforts to guide monks, anchoresses, laity, and rulers of England. This final piece in the preservation of Aelred’s writing, with all the patience and care that have gone into it, has earned Brepols Publishers, Domenico Pezzini, and Francesco Marzella our sincere gratitude and praise." (Marsha L. Dutton, in Cîteaux – Commentarii cistercienses, 68/1-4, 2017, p. 277-291)
Domenico Pezzini is Professor of English Linguistics (History of English) at the University of Verona. His work focuses on the translation of medieval Latin works (in particular Aelred’s four ascetical treatises and a group of his liturgical sermons, plus a number of essays on his spirituality and his historical works) as well as research on translational practices in the Middle Ages. He is also the editor of a group of Middle English texts translated from St. Birgitta’s Revelationes.
Aelred’s historical and hagiographical production, which makes him a truly unique figure in the Cistercian panorama of the first generation, is the subject of increasing attention, hampered thus far by the lack of a reliable critical edition of these works. Here for the first time these texts are edited from a collation of the earlier and best manuscripts, accompanied by a biblical and a critical apparatus, each with an ample introduction devoted to the illustration of the manuscript tradition and to the historical and rhetorical background of these texts.
Aelredus Rievallenis (interpolatio) — Aelredi Rievallensis 'Relatio de standardo' interpolata: excerpta (sec. cod. London, British Library, Cotton Titus A XIX) — ed. D. Pezzini
Aelredus Rievallensis — De quodam miraculo mirabili — ed. D. Pezzini
Aelredus Rievallensis — De sanctis ecclesiae Haugustaldensis et eorum miraculis — ed. D. Pezzini
Aelredus Rievallensis — Genealogia regum Anglorum — ed. D. Pezzini
Aelredus Rievallensis — Relatio de standardo — ed. D. Pezzini
Aelredus Rievallensis — Vita sancti Niniani — ed. D. Pezzini
Aelredus Rievallensis (dubium) — De sanctis ecclesiae Haugustaldensis et eorum miraculis (capitula in cod. London, British Library, Add. 38.816 servata) — ed. D. Pezzini
Aelredus Rievallensis (epitome) — De sancto rege Scotorum David epitome — ed. D. Pezzini