Book Series Ruralia, vol. 10

Agrarian Technology in the Medieval Landscape

Agrartechnik in mittelalterlichen Landschaften. Technologie agraire dans le paysage médiéval. 9th - 15th September 2013 Smolenice, Slovakia

Jan Klapste (ed)

  • Pages: xviii + 448 p.
  • Size:210 x 297 mm
  • Language(s):English, German
  • Publication Year:2016

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-55137-1
  • Paperback
  • Available
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-55194-4
  • E-book
  • Available


“The volume is much recommended for its inclusion of so many good papers on the practicalities of making a living from husbandry across Europe during the Middle Ages.” (Susan Oosthuizen, in The Society of Medieval Archaeology, 61/1, 2017, p. 189)


Ruralia X includes 27 papers dealing with agrarian technologies in the medieval landscape as seen in different European countries. The subject areas include cultivation, livestock husbandry, gardening, viticulture and woodland management – interpreting the concept of agrarian production in a broad sense – studied mainly on the basis of archaeology, but also using iconography, documentary evidence and archaeo-environmental approaches.

Ruralia X, marks an important step on the way towards interpreting innovation, as well as understanding the varieties of agrarian activity from a Europe-wide perspective.

Authors from 14 countries provide a broad overview of the current issues, complemented by extensive bibliographies. Ruralia X represents one of the current fields of European archaeological research and offers a solid foundation for further comparative studies.


Alan Aberg

Ruralia – a retrospect: 1994–2014

Stephen Moorhouse – James Bond

An approach to understanding medieval field systems across Europe: the structure and anatomy of township field systems

Stephen Moorhouse

Features within medieval township farming landscapes in Yorkshire and their function

James Bond

Continental plant introductions to medieval monastic gardens in Britain

Piers Dixon

Mukked and folded land: the evidence of field data for medieval cultivation techniques in Scotland

Alice Forward John Hines

Cosmeston, South Wales: Conquest, colonisation and material culture change

Niall Brady

What the plough can reveal about the role of agrarian technology in the changing nature of early medieval Ireland

Ingvild Øye

Agrarian technology and land use in Scandinavian landscapes c. 800-1300 AD

Vibeke Vandrup Martens

North Norwegian farm mounds – economic resources and landscape conditions

Janicke Larsen

Archaeological investigations of an agrarian landscape in western Norway – the fjord farm Indre Matre

Catarina Karlsson

Increase in iron production – a prerequisite for change in the medieval landscape

Janken Myrdal – Alexandra Sapoznik

Spade cultivation and intensification of land use 1000–1300: written sources, archaeology and images

Lars Agersnap Larsen

The mouldboard plough in the Danish area 200-1500 AD

Peter Steen Henriksen

Norse agriculture in Greenland? Farming in a remote medieval landscape

Johan P. W. Verspay

Structuring landscape, shaping community

Hans Renes

Landscape history and archaeology of open fields in Europe

Philippe Mignot – Nicolas Schroeder

Agrarian practices and landscape in the estate of Wellin (Belgium) from the Early Middle Ages to the Modern Period: Archaeology and History

Nicolas Poirier

Archaeological evidence for agrarian manuring: Studying the time-space dynamics of agricultural areas with surface-collected off-site material

Margarita Fernández Mier – Pablo Alonso González

Medieval north-west Spain: What can agrarian archaeology tell us about living rural landscapes?

Josep Torró

Agricultural drainage technology in medieval Mediterranean Iberia (13th–16th centuries)

Paolo de Vingo

The material culture and agricultural traditions in the early medieval eastern Merovingian areas: a new study proposal

Rainer Schreg

Mittelalterliche Feldstrukturen in deutschen Mittelgebirgslandschaften – Forschungsfragen, Methoden und Herausforderungen für Archäologie und Geographie

Iris Nießen

Perspectives of the analysis of toponyms in the framework of settlement and environmental archaeology. Methods and research practice at the Stubersheimer Alb (Swabian Alb, Southern Germany)

Miklós Takács

The archaeological investigation of medieval agrarian tools and techniques in Hungary – an overview of some rarely quoted analyses

Szabina Merva

Potential husbandry strategies in 10th-century settlements in the Carpathian Basin. A case study: Two early medieval sites along the River Danube

Rozália Bajkai

On the agrarian technology of the Avar Period in Hungary. Grinding stones and quern-stones from Hajdúnánás – Mácsi-dűlő

Zdeňka Měchurová

Das Bauernjahr vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit – Feldarbeiten und Landwirtschaftsgeräte dem Kalender nach. Archäologische Funde aus mittelalterlichen Ortswüstungen im Vergleich mit bildlichen Quellen und ethnographischen Belegen