Raimundus Lullus
Opera latina XXXV (54-60)
annis 1294–1296 composita
Coralba Colomba, Viola Tenge-Wolf (eds)
- Pages: 450 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Latin, English, German
- Publication Year:2014
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54762-6
- Hardback
- Available
"Con esta edición crítica, filósofos, filólogos y teólogos podrán acercarse con mayor seguridad a algunos de los textos más significativos del corpus luliano (...) todas ellas de transcendencia significativa en la historia." (Rafael Ramis-Barceló, in: Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 108 (1-2), 2015, p. 349-351)
Coralba Colomba is currently a research assistant at the Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy). She is also a scientific collaborator at SISMEL (Società per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino), Florence, where she participates in different projects (Medioevo latino, Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi, Manoscritti agiografici dell’Italia del Sud). She holds a Ph.D. in Medieval Latin Philology. The critical edition of the Lectura compendiosa Tabulae generalis and the Lectura super tertiam figuram Tabulae generalis was the topic of her Ph.D. thesis.
Viola Tenge-Wolf is a member of the editorial board of the Raimundi Lulli Opera Latina and editorial manager of the ROL-series since 2008. She has worked at the Raimundus-Lullus-Institut of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg for more than twenty years.
Volume XXXV of the Raimundi Lulli Opera latina comprises critical editions of Ramon Lull’s Lectura compendiosa Tabulae generalis and Lectura super tertiam figuram Tabulae generalis (both edited by Coralba Colomba), his Liber de affatu, Flores amoris et intelligentiae, Disputatio quinque hominum sapientium, as well as his petitions to Pope Celestine V and Boniface VIII (edited by Viola Tenge-Wolf).
In the Tabula generalis (completed in January 1294), Ramon Lull had introduced a rigid simplification of the combinatorial mechanism which lies at the basis of his Art. Both his Lectura compendiosa Tabulae generalis (op. 54) and Lectura super tertiam figuram Tabulae generalis (op. 55), written in Italy between 1294 and 1296, represent the exegetical apparatus of the Tabula. The Lectura compendiosa presents the contents of the Tabula in a synthetic way, as the title conveys. Of the second Lectura, originally devoted to the third figure of Lull’s Art, only the first part has survived. It is related to the ten Artistic rules.
Though being propaedeutic to a more important work (Tabula generalis), these lectures should not be thought of as marginal or as mere supplements. If on the one hand they refer to didactic practices and foster the spreading of the method through its simplification, on the other hand they testify and strengthen the centrality of the Art in Lull’s thought.
The Liber de sexto sensu, i.e. De affatu (op. 56) is an important little treatise on the philosophy of language, presenting language as a sixth sense added to the five classical senses. Flores amoris et intelligentiae (op. 57), the Disputatio quinque hominum sapientium (op. 58), and the Petitio Raimundi pro conuersione infidelium ad Coelestinum V papam (op. 59), all three of them originally composed in Catalan and completed in Naples in 1294, were intended to be presented to pope Celestine V. After the pope’s premature resignation on December 13, 1294, Lull prepared a revised Latin translation of the Petitio for Celestine’s successor Boniface VIII, the Petitio Raimundi pro conuersione infidelium ad Bonifatium VIII papam (op. 60).
Raimundus Lullus — Disputatio quinque hominum sapientium (op. 58) (sec. translationem Latinam medii aevi) — ed. V. Tenge-Wolf
Raimundus Lullus — Flores amoris et intelligentiae (op. 57) (sec. translationem Latinam recentioris aetatis) — ed. V. Tenge-Wolf
Raimundus Lullus — Lectura compendiosa Tabulae generalis (op. 54) — ed. C. Colomba
Raimundus Lullus — Lectura super tertiam figuram Tabulae generalis (op. 55) — ed. C. Colomba
Raimundus Lullus — Liber de sexto sensu, id est, de affatu (op. 56) (sec. translationem Latinam medii aevi) — ed. V. Tenge-Wolf
Raimundus Lullus — Petitio Raimundi pro conversione infidelium ad Bonifatium VIII papam (petitio e textu catalano versa et retractata) (op. 60) — ed. V. Tenge-Wolf
Raimundus Lullus — Petitio Raimundi pro conversione infidelium ad Caelestinum V papam (op. 59) (sec. translationem Latinam recentioris aetatis) — ed. V. Tenge-Wolf
Raimundus Lullus — Raimundi Lulli Disputatio quinque hominum sapientium: excerpta e redactione abbreviata sec. tres codices saec. XV — ed. V. Tenge-Wolf