Book Series Publications of the Museo del Prado, vol. 3

The Art of Leone and Pompeo Leoni

Stephan Schröder (ed)

  • Pages: 198 p.
  • Size:200 x 250 mm
  • Illustrations:115 b/w, 16 col.
  • Language(s):English, Italian, Spanish
  • Publication Year:2013

Out of Print
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-54616-2
  • Paperback
  • Out of Print

This volume offers a descriptive catalogue of the works of 16th century Spanish sculptor Leone Leoni and his son Pompeo Leoni.


Suzanna Zanuso, Appunti sulla formazione artistica del giovane Leone Leoni, Silvio Leydi, Leone Leoni "scultore delle stampe della Cecca di Milano" (1542-90) , Jeremy Warren, Medals and Plaquettes by Leone Leoni in the Context of His Larger Habsburg Statues, Kelley Helmstutler Di Dio, Leone Leoni’s Portrait Busts of the Habsburgs and the Taste for Sculpture in Spain, Margarita M. Estella, Los Leoni al servicio de María de Hungría, Walter Cupperi, "Leo faciebat", "Leo et Pompeius fecerunt": autorialità multipla e transculturalità nei ritratti leoniani del Prado, Rosario Coppel, Los retratos de la emperatriz Isabel y de Juana de Austria, Claudia Kryza-Gersch, Pompeo Leoni’s Portrait of Philip II in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, María Jesús Herrero Sanz, Los apóstoles y los padres de la Iglesia en el retablo del Escorial: príncipes y defensores de la doctrina, Rosemarie Mulcahy, The Calvary by Pompeo Leoni for the High Altarpiece of the Escorial,"la mejor cosa que se pueda hacer imaginar…", Almudena Pérez de Tudela, El cenotafio de Carlos V en la basílica del Escorial, Agustín Bustamente García, El grupo sepulcral de Felipe II, Elena Arias Esculturas de Leone y Pompeo Leoni: técnicas escultóricas sobre metal, Rosario Coppel, Leone & Pompeo Leoni: Bibliografía