Journal Sacris Erudiri, vol. 52

Sacris Erudiri 52 (2013)

  • Pages: 414 p.
  • Size:178 x 254 mm
  • Language(s):English, French, German
  • Publication Year:2014

Out of Print
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-54387-1
  • Paperback
  • Out of Print
    • E-journal
    • Available

    Sacris Erudiri. Journal of Late Antique and Medieval Christianity.


    Sacris Erudiri was founded in 1948 by Dom Eligius Dekkers as a Jaarboek voor Godsdienstwetenschappen, an annual journal for the study of religion. The founder's aim was to bring to public attention specialist studies and research on very diverse aspects of the study of religion and in this way to promote interdisciplinary dialogue. Since then, Sacris Erudiri has developed within Corpus Chistianorum into a leading, peer-reviewed, international scholarly journal with a focus on the Christian past before 1500 AD.

    The journal’s mission is to be, in the broadest sense possible, a Journal on the Inheritance of Late Antique and Medieval Christianity. Thematically, it covers the history of Christianity in all its aspects: institutional, doctrinal, liturgical, spiritual, cultural. Christianity is not studied as an isolated phenomenon but its integration within the wider social fabric, consisting of political, social, economic and cultural elements should, where applicable, also be taken into account. Contributions may cover all scholarly genres: incisive short note or extensive Forschungsbericht, exhaustive catalogue or paradigm-shifting synthetic study, new interpretation of a well-known text or first analysis of a virtually unknown text. Editions and studies of texts in Latin and Greek as well as in Oriental versions are especially welcome.

    Sacris Erudiri is a Brepols journal, published in cooperation with Corpus Christianorum.


    Tristan Major, The Number Seventy-two: Biblical and Hellenistic Beginnings to the Early Middle Ages

    Maria Verhoeff, A Genuine Friend Wishes to be a Debtor: John Chrysostom's Discourse on Almsgiving Reinterpreted

    Joost van Neer, Structure and Argument in Augustine's Nativity Sermons 184 and 185: Two Sermons with a Division into Three Parts

    Robert Wisniewski, Local and Overseas Saints and Religious Identity in Vandal Africa

    Richard W. Bishop, Homilia in Pentecosten (CPG 6665): A Sermon of Basil of Seleucia

    René Roux, Merkmale der theologischen Argumentation in den Katechetischen Homilien des Severus von Antiochien

    Rainer Jakobi, Unidentifizierte karolingische Sedulius-Glossen

    Nathan J. Ristuccia, The Herwagen Preacher and his Homiliary

    Jean Grosfillier, Quelques considéérations sur l''influence du De contemplatione de Richard de Saint-Victor

    Carsten Wollin, Non est crimen amor. Lateinische Liebesdichtung im Umkreis des Petrus Abaelardus

    Marie-Geneviève Grossel, Hélinand avant Froidmont: à la recherche d''un trouvère perdu

    Corneille H. Kneepkens, The Odyssey of the Manuscripts of Helinand''s Chronicon

    Meindert Geertsma, Helinand's De Bono Regimine Principis: A Mirror for Princes or an Exegesis of Deuteronomy 17, 14-20?