QUAESTIO 12 (2012)
Intentionality and Reality
- Pages: 638 p.
- Size:170 x 240 mm
- Language(s):English, French, German
- Publication Year:2014
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54355-0
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Intentionality and Reality: Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp, Francisco Suárez on the Intentional Species – Giovanna D’Aniello, L’intentio animi nella sintesi agostiniana di Cornelis Jansen – Martin Lenz, Locke's Theory of Ideas and the Myth of the Given – Alain de Libera, L’Ouverture écossaise : Brentano critique de Bain – Donatella Colantuono, Conoscenza della realtà e realtà come conoscenza. Il punto di vista di Bernard Bolzano – Laurent Cesalli / Hamid Taieb, The Road to « ideelle Verähnlichung ». Anton Marty’s Conception of Intentionality in the Light of its Brentanian Background – Mauro Antonelli, Thoughts Concerning Anton Marty’s Early Conception of Intentionality. Was He Thinking What Brentano Was Thinking? – Pierre-Jean Renaudie, Le réel et ses signes : Brentano et Husserl sur l’engagement ontologique de l’intentionnalité – Carmine Di Martino, Intenzionalità e realismo nella fenomenologia husserliana – Wouter Goris, Das historische Apriori bei Husserl und Foucault – Zur philosophischen Relevanz eines Leitbegriffs der historischen Epistemologie – Miguel García-Valdecasas, Wittgenstein on Intentionality and Representation – Oscar Barroso Fernández, Actualidad e intencionalidad en Zubiri – Elisabetta Sacchi / Alberto Voltolini, To Think Is to Literally Have Something in One’s Thought – Stefania Scardicchio, The Metamorphosis of Reality. From Royce to Goodman – Paolo Pecere, Naturalizing Intentionality between Philosophy and Brain Science. A Survey of Methodological and Metaphysical Issues (1969-2011)
New Realism. A Debate: Maurizio Ferraris, Responses to «Quaestio» – Mario De Caro, Realism and Naturalism – Costantino Esposito, Truth without Certainty? An Open Issue in New Realism – Matteo Morganti, New Realism and Scientific Realism – Andrea Sereni, Mathematical Realism, What’s New?
Varia: Bernd Goehring, Henry of Ghent on Human Knowledge and Its Limits – Marienza Benedetto, Da Atene a Baghdad (e oltre). Ancora sul rapporto tra filosofia araba ed eredità greca – Cronache Note Recensioni