Book Series Arcane, vol. 3

Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean

History & Philology

Walther Sallaberger, Ingo Schrakamp (eds)

  • Pages: xvi + 445 p.
  • Size:210 x 295 mm
  • Language(s):English
  • Publication Year:2015

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-53494-7
  • Paperback
  • Available


The volume on "History and Philology" within the ARCANE project is an up-to-date presentation of the data and problems connected to the chronology of the third millennium BC of Mesopotamia and adjacent regions. As an introduction, Walther Sallaberger and Ingo Schrakamp provide an overview of the pertinent cuneiform sources and discuss the reconstruction of a historical chronology. Furthermore the book includes articles on chronological problems and a regional history from the Fara period to the end of the millennium from leading experts: A. Archi and M.-G. Biga on Ebla, K. De Graef on Susa, G. Marchesi on early dynasties, F. Pomponio on Adab, I. Schrakamp on historical geography, W. Sommerfeld on the Akkadian period, H. Steible on Fara, P. Steinkeller on the Gutian period.

Walther Sallaberger teaches Assyriology (Akkadian and Sumerian) at the University of München. He has published on the culture and history of Mesopotamia, especially the early periods.

Ingo Schrakamp is Assistant Professor, Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, at the Freie Universität Berlin. His main research interests are devoted to the Sumerian and Akkadian documentation of third millennium Mesopotamia.



Part I: Philological Data for a Historical Chronology of Mesopotamia in the 3rd Millennium

– Walther Sallaberger & Ingo Schrakamp

1. Introduction

2. Sources I: King Lists and Related Texts

3. Sources II: Year Dates

4. On the Chronology of the Early Cuneiform Evidence

5. The Presargonic Period

6. Transition from the Presargonic to the Sargonic Period

7. Sargonic Rule in Mesopotamia

8. The Gutean Period: A Problem of 3rd Millennium Chronology

Part II: Chronology and Historical Geography of the 3rd Millennium

1. Toward a Chronology of Early Dynastic Rulers in Mesopotamia – Gianni Marchesi

2. The Geographical Horizon of the Texts from Fara/Shuruppag – Horst Steible

3. The Chronology of Ebla and Synchronisms with Abarsal, Tuttul, Nagar and Nabada, Mari, Kish – Alfonso Archi

4. The Geographical Scope of Ebla: Commerce and Wars, Some Remarks – Maria Giovanna Biga

5. The Rulers of Adab – Francesco Pomponio

6. Geographical Horizons of the Presargonic and Sargonic Archives – Ingo Schrakamp

7. The Transition from the Old Akkadian Period to Ur III in Lagash – Walter Sommerfeld

8. The Gutian Period in Chronological Perspective – Piotr Steinkeller

9. Susa in the Late 3rd Millennium: From a Mesopotamian Colony to an Independent State (MC 2110-1980) – Katrien De Graef

10. Conclusion – Walther Sallaberger & Ingo Schrakamp

General Bibliography

Index of Geographical Names

Index of Personal Names