Iranica Selecta. Studies in Honour of Professor Wojciech Skalmowski on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday
- Pages: 282 p.
- Size:160 x 240 mm
- Illustrations:5 b/w, 10 col.
- Language(s):English, German, French
- Publication Year:2003
- ISBN: 978-2-503-51466-6
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57384-7
- E-book
- Available
Professor Wojciech Skalmowski: Chronological Bibliography
L. BEDNARCZUK; Consonant Lenition in Iranian
W. BEX; The Visit of Shah Mozaffar ad-Din to Ostend in 1902
F. DE BLOIS; Pahr(ag)bed
P. CHELKOWSKI; Hossein in Popular Culture
K. D'HULSTER; The Sojourn of Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar in Belgium (1873)
R.N. FRYE; Challenge and Logic in Ancient Iranian History
B. GHARIB; Sogdian Negative and Privative Prefixes
PH. GIGNOUX; Sept documents économiques en pehlevi
B. HJERRILD; The Institution of Sturih in the Pahlavi Rivayat of Ãturfarnbag. Trust settled Property
H. HUMBACH; Pasargadai
L. ISEBAERT; Trois mots iraniens en tokharien
A. KRASNOWOLSKA; Introductions to Persian Epic Poems
G. LAZARD; La construction des propositions relatives en persan contemporain
E. LIPINSKI; Qaštu in Achaemenian Babylonia
M. LORENZ; Gappo Bajew und die ossetische Literatur
K. MACIUSZAK; Some New Lexical Observations on the Draxt i Ãsurig (the Assyrian Tree)
M. MACUCH; On the Treatment of Animals in Zoroastrian Law
B. MEKARSKA; Is that the Last 'Principles' of their Kind?
A. PANAINO; Short remarks about Ohrmazd between Limited and Unlimited Time
R. SCHMITT; Minima Cuneiformia: Bemerkungen zu Dareios' Suez-Inschriften
N. SIMS-WILLIAMS; Three Notes on Iranian Words in Arabic Sources
W. SUNDERMANN; Notulae etymologicae
P. SWIGGERS; Autour de problèmes de linguistique indo-européenne et générale: de Wackernagel à Meillet
D. TAILLIEU; Pazand nišami between Light and Darkness
J. TAVERNIER; Drei altiranische Notizen
A. VAN TONGERLOO; Two Manichaean Ladies
U. VERMEULEN ; 'Amr Du l-Kalb, 'Antar's Last Friend