The Journal of Medieval Latin 3/1993
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S. Boynton; Latin Glosses on the Office Hymns in Eleventh-Century Continental Hymnaries
E. Archibald; Sex and Power in Thebes and Babylon: Oedipus and Semiramis in Classical and Medieval Texts
M. Winterbottom; A New Passage of William of Malmesbury’s ‘Gesta Pontificum’
M. Otter; Baudri de Bourgueil, “To Countless Adela”
Ph. Pulsiano; Persius’s ‘Satires’ in Anglo-Saxon England
A. Orchard; The Literary Background to the ‘Encomium Emmae Reginae’
M. W. Herren; The “Greek Element” in the ‘Cosmographia’ of Aethicus Ister
W. Berschin; An Unpublished Library Catalogue from Eighth-Century Lombard Italy
T. Licht; Additional Note on the “Library Catalogue of Charlemagne’s Court”