Bibliographie analytique de la prière grecque et romaine (1898-1998)
- Pages: 362 p.
- Size:160 x 240 mm
- Language(s):French
- Publication Year:2000
- ISBN: 978-2-503-50952-5
- Paperback
- Out of Print
« Le nombre des collaborateurs et les moyens mise en oeuvre font de ce bel ouvrage un outil fort précieux, que se doit de posséder toute bibliothèque de recherche sur l'Antiquité. » (Bernard Pouderon, dans: Revue des Études Grecques, 114/1, 2001, p. 341)
The Analytic Bibliography of Greek and Roman Prayer consists of a nearly exhaustive bibliography on ancient pagan prayer (Greek and Roman). The diverse forms of prayer are taken into account: petitionary prayer, supplications, prayers of thanksgiving..., as well as related genres (the hymn, imprecations, oaths). Some 566 books and articles bearing upon these subjects, in all languages and from 1898 to 1998, have been repertoried. Each publication has been read and made the subject of a notice containing a bibliographical description, an analytical résumé, a selection of key words and a list of the principal ancient texts treated. The entries are arranged in alphabetical order based on the author's name and are numbered. As a whole, this work offers an indepth panorama of the research and the thinking done on the subject of prayer in the last hundred years. No other equivalent work exists in any language.