Journal Sacris Erudiri, vol. 39

Sacris Erudiri 39 (2000)

  • Pages: 446 p.
  • Size:160 x 245 mm
  • Language(s):English, French, German
  • Publication Year:1999

Out of Print
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-50841-2
  • Paperback
  • Out of Print
    • E-journal
    • Available


    C.T. Begg, The Dynastic Promise according to Josephus

    P. Hamblenne, Deux métaphores apponiennes (In Cant., III, l. 92 s. et IX, l. 110-112)

    W. Dunphy, An Unlisted Profession of Faith (Pseudo-Rufinus, De Fide)

    G. Partoens & T. Swaenepoel, Pariator. La présence d'un mot rare dans les sermons de saint Augustin

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    J. Leemans, Thirteen Years of Athanasius Research (1985-1998). A Survey and Bibliography

    B. Roosen, Athous, Koutloumousiou 39. An Interesting Case

    A. Firey, Carolingian Ecclesiology and Heresy. A Southern Gallic Juridical Tract against Adoptionism

    S. Boynton, Liturgy and History at the Abbey of Farfa in the Late Eleventh Century. Hymns of Peter Damian and Other Additions to BAV Chigi C.VI.177

    A. Sylwan, Petrus Comestor, Historia Scholastica: une nouvelle édition