Romance Philology 52,1 (Fall 1998) /1998-99
- Pages: 305 p.
- Size:150 x 230 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:1999
- ISBN: 978-2-503-50827-6
- Paperback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
Duncan Robertson - The Anglo-Norman Verse Life of St. Mary the Egyptian
Kenneth Brown and Mariano Gómez Aranda - A New Collection of Seventeenth-Century Spanish and Portuguese Poetry from Italy and Its Sephardic Connection
Review Articles
Peter F. Dembowski - The Philological Legacy of Erich Auerbach
Karl D. Uitti - Remarks on Old French Textuality and Language
Steven N. Dworkin - Three New Introductions to Romance Linguistics
Ugo Cardinale - Come parlano gli Italiani?
Norris J. Lacy - Clôtures du cycle arthurien: etude et texts, By Richard Trachsler
William W. Kibler - Medieval Arthurian Literature, by Norris Lacy
Emanuel J. Mickel - La Chanson de Roland, by Wolfgang van Emden
William W. Kibler - Garin le Loherenc, ed. Anne Iker-Gittleman
Christine Ferlampin-Acher - Pierre Sala, Le Chevalier au Lion, ed. Pierre Servet
Elisabeth Schulze-Busacker - König, Held und Sippe. Untersuchungen zur Chanson de geste des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts und ihrer Zyklenbildung, by Michael Heintze
Tilde Sankovitch, The Danse Macabre of Women, Ms. fr. 995 of the Bibliotheque Nationale, ed. Ann Turkey Harrison, with a chapter by Sandra L. Hindman
Leslie Cahoon - The Loving Subject: Desire, Eloquence, and Power in Romanesque France, by Gerald A. Bond
Eglal Doss-Quinby - Chansons des trouvères: Chanter m'estuet, by Samuel N. Rosenberg and Hans Tischler with the collaboration of Marie-Geneviève Grossel
Francesca Savoia - Una sacra rappresebtazione profana. Fortune di Griselda nel Quattrocento italiano, ed. Raffaele Morabito
William D. Paden - Music in the Castle: Troubadours, Books, and Orators in Italian Courts of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries, by F. Alberto Gallo
Giovanna Santini - Le fonti provenzali dei poeti della Scuola siciliana. I postillati di Torraca e altri contributi, by Aniello Fratta
Charlotte Stern - Cultura y representación en la Edad Media, ed. Evangelina Rodríguez Cuadros
Harriet Goldberg - The Story of a Story Across Cultures: The Case of the Doncella Teodor, by Margaret R. Parker
Tomàs Martínez Romero - Il "Llibre del plant de l'hom", versione catalane del "Liber de miseria humane conditions" di Lotario Deacono, ed. Vicenzo Minervini
Ruggero Stefanini - Miscellanea di studi linguistici in onore di Walter Belardi, edd. Palmira Cipriano, Paolo di Giovine, and Marco Mancini
Peter T. Ricketts - Contribution à l'étude du langage œnologique en langue d'oïl (XIIe XIVe s.), by Albert Henry
Paolo D'Achille - Il Novecento. Storia della lingua italiana, by Pier Vincenzo Mengaldo
Andrea Warren Hamos - Spanish Traditional Ballads from Aragon, ed. Michèle S. De Cruz-Sáenz
Eduardo Blasco Ferrer - Dizionario italiano Sabatini-Coletti, by Francesco Sabatini and Vittorio Coletti
Brian Richardson, Trattati de fonetica del Cinquecento, by Nicoletta Maraschio
Mariano Franco Figueroa - El trueque "s/x" en español antiguo. Aproximaciones teóricas, by José del Valle
Francesco Petroselli - Per un sublessico vitivinicolo. La storia materiale e linguistica di alcuni nomi di viti e vini italiani, by Thomas Hohnerlein-Buchinger
Mercedes Sedano - Discourse and Pragmatic Constraints on Grammatical Choices: A Grammar of Surprises, by Maria Manoliu-Manea
Bernhard Pöll - Das Gallicische. Eine Fallstudie zur Verschriftlichung romanischer Minderheitensprachen, by Michaela Luyken