The Jesuits and the Emblem Tradition
Selected Papers of the Leuven International Emblem Conference, 18-23 August, 1996
M. Van Vaeck, J. Manning (eds)
- Pages: 376 p.
- Size:160 x 235 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:1999
- ISBN: 978-2-503-50798-9
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57084-6
- E-book
- Available
The publication incorporated selected papers concerning the emblematic books published by the Jesuits during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the Spanish Netherlands where they were more active than anywhere else.
The publication incorporated selected papers concerning the emblematic books published by the Jesuits during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the Spanish Netherlands where they were more active than anywhere else.
Jesuits published more emblematic books than any other group during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. And they were probably more active in both the print and material culture in the Spanish Netherlands than anywhere else. The essays are revised versions of papers presented at the Fourth International Emblem Conference held at Leuven in 1996. The table of contents provides an overview of the variety of topics and approaches represented in the volume.
Jesuit Emblematical Spirituality
Kristof van Assche, ‘Louis Richeome, Ignatius and Philostrates in the Novice's Garden: Or, the Signification of Everyday Environment’;
Michael J.Giordano, ‘Maurice Scève's Délie (1544): The Impresa and the Humanization of Meditation’;
Anthony Rapsa, ‘The Jesuit Aesthetics of Henry Hawkins' Partheneia Sacra.’
Teaching of Emblematics in Jesuit Colleges. Declamationes- Affixiones in Jesuit Colleges
Paulette Choné, ‘Domus optima. Un manuscrit emblématique au collège des jésuites de Verdun (1585)’;
Luc Dequeker, ‘The Brussels Miraculous Sacrament in the Emblems of Martinus De buschere's Index Divinorum Operum (Brugge, 1686)’;
Laurence Grove, ‘Jesuit Emblematics at La Flèche (Sarthe) and ther Influence upon René Descartes’;
Eva Knapp and Gábor Tüskés, ‘Sources for the Teaching of Emblematics in the Jesuit Colleges in Hungary’;
Lubomír Konecny, ’Edmund Campion, S.J., as Emblematist’;
Judy Loach, ‘The Teaching of Emblematics and Other Symbolic Imagery By Jesuits Within Town Colleges In Seventeenth- and Eighteenth- Century France’;
Alison Saunders, ‘Make the Pupils Do It Themselves: Emblems, Plays and Public Performances in French Jesuit Colleges in the Seventeenth Century’;
Frédérique Savard-Skory, ‘Les Images de tous les saints de Jacques Callot. Hagiographie emblématique et spiritualité mariale à Nancy au premier tiers du XVIIe siécle.’
Jesuits of the Provincia Flandro-Belgica and Their Contribution to the Emblem Tradition
Lynette C. Black, ‘Une doctrine sans estude’: Herman Hugo’s Pia Desideria as Les Pieux Desirs’;
Peter M. Daly, ‘Emblematic Publications by the Jesuits of Flanders Belgium Province to the Year 1700’;
G. Richard Dimler S.J., ‘Jakob Masen’s Critique of the Imago Primi Saeculi’;
Jozef Ijsewijn, ‘Emblems in Honor of a Dead Poet (Natalis Rondininus)’;
Ludger Lieb, ‘Emblematische Experimente. Formen und Funktionen der frühen Jesuiten-Emblematik am Beispiel der Emblembücher Jan Davids’;
John Manning, ‘Tres potentiae animae: The Aims and Methodology of Royal Library, Brussels Ms 4040’;
Johan Verberckmoes, ‘Comic Traditions in Adrianus Poirters’ Het Masker van de Wereldt afgetrocken’;
Werner Waterschoot, ‘Joannes David Editing Duodecim Specula’