Investigating Jan Van Eyck
D. Cool, S. Jones, S. Foister (eds)
- Pages: 250 p.
- Size:210 x 297 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2000
- ISBN: 978-2-503-50732-3
- Paperback
- Out of Print
The collected essays in this publication aim at presenting recent research on aspects of Jan van Eyck´s artistic output during the 1430´s, raising important new questions and revealing new information.
I. Examining Jan van Eyck: Key Works Catherine Reynolds, London: 'The King of Painters'. Lorne Campbell, The Nationale Gallery, London: The Arnolfini Double PotraitUta Neidhart and Christoph Schölzel, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden: The Dresden TriptychRachel Billinge, Hélène Verougstraete and Roger Van Schoutte, The National Gallery, London and University of Louvain-la-Neuve: The Saint BarbaraPhilippe Lorentz, Musée du Louvre, Paris: The Rolin Virgin and ChildMelanie Grifford, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, Assessing the Evolution of van Eyck's Iconography through Technical Study of the Washington Annunciation ICarol Purtle, University of Memphis: Assessings the Evolution of van Eyck's Iconography through Technical Study of the Washington Annunciation II: New Light on the Development of van Eyck's Architectural Narrative II. Van Eyck's Working Methods L. Dierick, Ghent: Jan van Eyck's Handwriting Rachel Billinge, The National Gallery, London: Examining Jan van Eyck's Underdrawings. Ashok Roy The National Gallery, London: Van Eyck's Technique: The Myth and the Reality I Raymond White, The National Gallery, London: Van Eyck's Technique: The Myth and the Reality IIHélène Verougstraete and Roger Van Schoute, University of Louvain-la-Neuve: Van Eyck's FramesIII. Jan Van Eyck: Contemporary Sources and Imagery John Steyaert, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis: The van Eyck's and Sculpture Margaret Scott, Leicester: Dress in van Eyck's Paintings IV. The Legacy of Jan van EyckNoël Geirnaert, Stadsarchief, Bruges: Anselm Adornes and his Daughters: Owners of Two Paintings of Saint Francis by Jan van Eyck?Paula Nuttall, London: Jan van Eyck's Painting in ItalyStephanie Buck, Freie Universität Berlin: An Approach to Looking at Eyckian DrawingsSusan Jones, The Art Institute of Chicago: The Use of Workshop Drawings by Jan van Eyck.