Bibliographia Manichaica. A Comprehensive Bibliography of Manichaeism through 1996
G.B. Mikkelsen
- Pages: 360 p.
- Size:210 x 297 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:1997
- ISBN: 978-2-503-50653-1
- Hardback
- Available
"A complete bibliography of Manichaeism has been a desideratum for a long time, and now that need has been met. (...) An essential purchase for research libraries."
(Birger A. Pearson, Religious Studies Review, vol. 27, issue 2, April 2001, p. 177)
In 1996 the first volume of the CFM was published in the Series Coptica containing the edition of the first fascicle of the Manichaean Coptic Psalm-Book - Second Part by Gergor Wurst. Further volumes in the Chinese, Coptic, Latin and Uighur series will appear in a near future. All text volumes of the CFM contain not only the original text, and an apparatus criticus, but a translation in English, French or German too. Notes will be included as well as photographs. In the Subsidia of the CFM will be published handbooks, reference books and manuals. In the footsteps of earlier important bibliographical sections in books by e.g. Julien Ries (Les études manichéennes, Louvain, 1988) and Jes P. Asmussen (Studies in Manichaeism, Copenhagen 1965), the Danish scholar Gunner MIKKELSEN has prepared a new comprehensive bibliography of Manichaean studies in its largest perspective, encompassing 3606 numbered entries, fully updated to 1996, but already including a number of items published in 1997. The bibliography contains text editions and translations and scholarly contributions on the Manichaean religion and Manichaeism-related fields of interest (e.g. polemical, historical sources), either published as monograph or article, as well as reviews of these; a selection of works on so-called 'neo-Manichaeism' is also presented. The bibliography is subdivided in two sections: publications in (1) European and West Asian languages, and (2) in East Asian languages. The very useful index enumerates the text publications of Manichaean, anti-Manichaean and historical sources in all languages. This bibliography will undoubtedly form an indispensable working tool on the bookshelves not only of every scholar of the Religion of Light and Gnosticism, but will reveal the importance of this vast area of study to researchers in the fields of Classical, Oriental and Medieval Studies, History of Religions and Theology.