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Book Series
Semiotic and Cognitive Studies, vol. 4
Vestigia, Imagines, Verba
Semiotics and Logic in Medieval Theological texts (XIIth-XIVth Century)
C. Marmo (ed)
- Pages: 450 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Language(s):English, French
- Publication Year:1997
- ISBN: 978-2-503-50563-3
- Paperback
- Available
C. Marmo, Preface, J. Jolivet, Platonisme et sémantique, de Bernard de Chartres aux Porrétains, Y. Iwakuma, Enuntiabilia in XIIth century logic and theology, L. Valente, Iustus et misericors. L'usage théologique des notions de consignificatio et connotatio dans la séconde moitié du XIIe siècle, C. Marmo, Inferential signs and Simon of Tournai's general theory of signification, O. Kneepkens, Please don't call me Peter: I'm enuntiabile, not a thing. A note on the enuntiabile and the proper noun, M. Sirridge, The wailing of orphans, the cooing of doves and the groans of the sick: the influence of Augustine's theory of language on some theories of interjection, S. Vecchio, Mensonge, simulation, dissimulation. Primauté de l'intention et ambiguïté du langage dans la théologie morale du bas Moyen Age, S. Ebbesen, Doing theology with sophismata, L. O. Nielsen, Signification, likeness and causality. The sacraments as signs by divine imposition in John Duns Scotus, Durand of St. Pourcain and Peter Auriol, A. de Libera - I. Rosier, L'analyse scotiste de la formule de la consécration eucharistique et ses enjeux logico-sémantiques, A. Bäck, Reduplicative propositions in the theology of John Duns Scotus, C. J. Martin, Impossible Positio as the foundation of metaphysics ... or logic on the scotist plan?, S. Knuuttila, Positio impossibilis: a medieval discussion of the Trinity, A. D'Ors, Insolubilia in some medieval theological texts, R. L. Friedman, Conceiving and modifying reality: some modist roots of Peter Auriol's theory of concept formation, K. H. Tachau, The reach of God's omnipotence: some aspects of possibility and necessity according to Peter Auriol, L.M. de Rijk, Guiral Ot (Gerardus Odonis) o.f.m. (1279-1349): his view of copulative being in his Commentary of the Sentences, J. Spruyt, The extreme realism of Gerardus Odonis, C. Panaccio, Angel's talk, mental language and the transparency of the mind, J. Biard, La science divine entre significati