Vocabulary of Teaching and Research Between Middle Ages and Renaissance
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Book Series
CIVICIMA, vol. 6
Vocabulaire des collèges universitaires (XIIIe - XVIe siècles)
Actes du colloque, Leuven 9-11 avril 1992
O. Weijers (ed)
- Pages: 192 p.
- Size:160 x 240 mm
- Language(s):French
- Publication Year:1993
- ISBN: 978-2-503-37006-4
- Paperback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55755-7
- E-book
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Le quatrième colloque du CIVICIMA était consacré au vocabulaire des
collèges universitaires. Le thème du colloque étant étroitement lié aux
institutions, il n'est guère étonnant de constater que le
vocabulaire étudié ici est principalement de nature concrète. Aussi, ce
volume intéressera-t-il d'abord les historiens des institutions
O. Weijers, Le vocabulaire du Collège de Sorbonne M.-H. Jullien de Pommerol, Le vocabulaire des collèges dans le midi de la France J. Fletcher, The Vocabulary of Administration and Teaching at Merton College, Oxford, at the Close of the Middle Ages G.-R. Tewes, Terms used in academic life and corresponding reality by the example of the Bursae of the Arts Faculty at Cologne P. Denley, The vocabulary of Italian colleges to 1500 A. Esposito, I collegi universitari di Roma: progetti e realizzazioni tra XIV e XV secolo A. M. Carabias Torres, The Vocabulary of the Spanish 'Colegios Mayores' during the Middle Ages and the Modern Age F. Smahel, Scholae, Collegia et Bursae Universitatis Pragensis L. Giard, La constitution du système éducatif jésuite au XVIe siècle G. Barone, Les couvents des Mendiants, des collèges déguisés? G. Makdisi, The Model of Islamic Scholastic Culture and its Later Parallel in the Christian West J. Verger, Conclusion
O. Weijers, Le vocabulaire du Collège de Sorbonne M.-H. Jullien de Pommerol, Le vocabulaire des collèges dans le midi de la France J. Fletcher, The Vocabulary of Administration and Teaching at Merton College, Oxford, at the Close of the Middle Ages G.-R. Tewes, Terms used in academic life and corresponding reality by the example of the Bursae of the Arts Faculty at Cologne P. Denley, The vocabulary of Italian colleges to 1500 A. Esposito, I collegi universitari di Roma: progetti e realizzazioni tra XIV e XV secolo A. M. Carabias Torres, The Vocabulary of the Spanish 'Colegios Mayores' during the Middle Ages and the Modern Age F. Smahel, Scholae, Collegia et Bursae Universitatis Pragensis L. Giard, La constitution du système éducatif jésuite au XVIe siècle G. Barone, Les couvents des Mendiants, des collèges déguisés? G. Makdisi, The Model of Islamic Scholastic Culture and its Later Parallel in the Christian West J. Verger, Conclusion