Book Series Corpus Christianorum Series Latina, vol. 173A

Victor Tunnunensis, Iohannes Biclarensis

Chronicon cum reliquiis ex Consularibus Caesaraugustanis - Chronicon

C. Cardelle de Hartmann (ed)

  • Pages: 160 p.
  • Size:155 x 245 mm
  • Language(s):Latin
  • Publication Year:2002

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-01733-4
  • Hardback
  • Available


Victor, bishop of Tunnuna in North Africa, continued Prosper's Chronicle from 444 until 566/7, centring his narrative in the ecclesiastical politics of his time. His chronicle was in turn continued in Spain for the period 566-589 by John, abbot of Biclarum and later bishop of Gerunda (Girona). John's work is one of the very few historical sources written in the time of the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo, and it provides us with some otherwise unknown information about Visigothic and Byzantine history in his time. Later, probably in the 7th century, somebody added marginal notes to a manuscript of the combined chronicles of Victor and John. These marginalia contain information, much of it not known from other sources, relating to Spanish history in the period covered by Victor's chronicle. Mommsen named these marginalia the Chronicorum Caesaraugustanorum reliquiae and presented them in his edition for the Monumenta Germaniae Historica as an independent text. In the present edition, however, they can again be read in their original and proper context. This new edition differs from that of Mommsen's (in the second volume of the Chronica Minora) in more than just this respect, for it is based for the first time on the direct collation not only of the medieval manuscript of the combined chronicles in the library of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, but also of all of the sixteenth century codices Pereziani. This latter has been made possible not least thanks to the recent discovery of photographs of the otherwise lost codex Perezianus from Segorbe. The language of the oldest codex, the Complutensis, which clearly conserves many distinctive late Latin linguistic features, has only been corrected when it is obviously faulty, thus undoing many unnecessary previous editorial interventions in the text. Running beneath the text in this edition, quotations are given from 'Vasaeus Chronicle' 15.


Victor Tunnunensis — Chronicon (Continuatio Prosperi a. 444-567) ( CPL 2260 ) — ed. C. Cardelle de Hartmann

Ioannes abbas Biclarensis — Chronicon (Continuatio Victoris Tunnunensis a. 567-590) ( CPL 2261 ) — ed. C. Cardelle de Hartmann

Anonymus — Reliquiae ex Consularibus Caesaraugustanis ( CPL 2267 ) — ed. C. Cardelle de Hartmann