- Pages: 601 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Illustrations:4 col.
- Language(s):Latin, English
- Publication Year:2005
- ISBN: 978-2-503-01599-6
- Hardback
- Available
« Cette édition est d’une grande technicité et mérite assurément toutes les louanges. » (J. van der Straeten, dans Analecta Bollandiana 123, 2005, p. 434)
« On peut se féliciter du travail original et attentif de l’auteur, qui n’a pas hésité à se confronter à des éditeurs illustres, Tomasi, Bannister et Mohlberg. » (P.-M. Bogaert, dans Revue bénédictine 116, 2006, p. 174)
"No doubt Rose's text will shortly become the standard cited version of the Gothic Missal; her exemplary introduction should be compulsory reading for anyone interested in Merovingian as well as liturgical Latin." (Y. Hen, in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 58, 2007, p. 310)
"[The author's] exemplary sensitivity to every part of the Missale recalls an organist commanding all the stops, letting us hear not the quibbles of what is or is not Roman in the Frankish liturby, buth the organo pleno of the Gallican rite." (David Ganz, in Early Medieval Europe 16/3, 2008, p. 376)
"(...) this edition of MG is a beautiful collection of prayers for the sacrifice of the Mass (...)." (L. Cuppo, in: The Medieval Review, 08.06.15)
"New and very impressive volume in the distinguished CCL-series, originally a dissertation at Utrecht University in 2001, and designed and published by Brepols in an exemplary way." (Vigiliae Christianae, 60.1, 2006, p. 129)
"Insgesamt liegt hier ein wertvolles und ausgezeichnet gemachtes Werk vor, das zu Recht beansprucht, die älteren Editionen des GaG abzulösen; man wird sich zukünftig auf diese Ausgabe beziehen müssen. Darüber hinaus muss diese Arbeit zur Kenntnis nehmen, wer sich mit dem liturgischen Latein befasst." (M. K., in: Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, Jahrgang 54. 2012, p. 159-160)
In CCSL 159D a new edition of the Missale Gothicum is presented. The Missale Gothicum belongs to the genre of the sacramentaria (books that contain the prayers of Mass), and to the liturgical rite of early medieval Gaul, the so-called Gallican liturgy. While the other sacramentaries CCSL 159-159C represent the stage of this rite around 750 AD, the Missale Gothicum, written around 700, reflects an earlier stage of the Gallican liturgy. The manuscript, now in the Vatican Library (Vat. Reg. lat. 317) was presumably written in a Burgundian scriptorium, and was most probably in use in the church of Autun.
The edition for CCSL is based on a renewed study of the manuscript, and digests the work of three previous editors. Next to the apparatus criticus, an apparatus with biblical references and an apparatus of parallel texts are incorporated. The text edition is accompanied by an analysis of the language of the Missale Gothicum. The text is an important source of early medieval Latin, a language in a transitional stage. This linguistic analysis aims at providing an aid to understand the text. A confined study of the development of the liturgical commemoration of saints in the Missale Gothicum is added as an appendix. Here the text is put in its context: the liturgical and religious tradition of Merovingian Gaul.