- Pages: 480 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Latin, English
- Publication Year:2006
- ISBN: 978-2-503-01141-7
- Hardback
- Available
Eugenius, bishop of Toledo (probably around 657), was a leading figure in the Visigothic kingdom, and is considered one of the major poets of the seventh century. His poetic work, covering both religious and circumstantial themes, and his edition of the African poet Dracontius were widely read and imitated in Carolingian and Mozarabic circles, and some of his poems achieved an immense circulation throughout the Middle Ages.
The present edition, which appears one hundred years after the last important edition (F. Vollmer, Berlin, 1905), covers Eugenius' complete works (carmina, the recensio of Dracontius' religious poems, the letters). It is based on a fresh and thorough study of the textual tradition. A good number of new manuscripts have been identified, ten of which are relevant for establishing and improving the text. The result is an enhanced text and a better and more accurate critical apparatus, expunged from superfluous material. The identification of new testimonia (mainly grammatical treatises and scholia) and imitatores (namely epigraphy) brings further elements to the history of Eugenius of Toledo's textual tradition.
Braulio Caesaraugustanus — Epistula ad Eugenium Toletanum ( CPL 1230 ) — ed. P.F. Alberto
Eugenius II Toletanus — Carmina ( CPL 1236 ) — ed. P.F. Alberto
Eugenius II Toletanus — Epistulae duae ad Braulionem Caesaraugustanum et Protasium ( CPL 1237 ) — ed. P.F. Alberto
Eugenius II Toletanus — Dracontii librorum recognitio ( CPL 1237° ) — ed. P.F. Alberto