Mediaeval Studies 69 (2007)
- Pages: 327 p.
- Size:170 x 255 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2008
- ISBN: 978-0-88844-671-8
- Paperback
- Available
Greti Dinkova-Bruun, 'Additions to Peter Riga’s Aurora in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France lat. 13050';
Sean L. Field, 'From Speculum anime to Miroir de l’âme: The Origins of Vernacular Advice Literature at the Capetian Court';
Thomas M. Osborne Jr., 'The Separation of the Interior and Exterior Acts in Scotus and Ockham';
Ian Christopher Levy, 'John Wyclif on Papal Election, Correction, and Deposition';
Martin Dimnik, 'The Patrimonies of the Rostislavichi in the Kievan Lands: An Anomaly';
Andrew Rabin, 'Old English forespeca and the Role of the Advocate in Anglo-Saxon Law';
Scott Gwara, 'Forht and faegen in The Wanderer and Related Literary Contexts of Anglo-Saxon Warrior Wisdom';
Christopher J. McDonough, 'Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France lat. 15158: A Late Thirteenth-Century Liber Catonianus from the Abbey of St. Victor'.