This volume is a study and
'implicit' edition of a twelfth-century collection of
ecclesiastical law made in the ancient home of the Benedictine order,
Montecassino. The importance of the collection is fourfold: (i) it is
the last canonical collection written in the Beneventan script; (ii) it
is a significant canonical collection deriving from the important early
eleventh-century canonical {Collection in Five Books}, a collection
compiled probably at Montecassino that spawned at least twenty-five
derivative collections; (iii) its canons reflect both early
eleventh-century reforming trends of the Ottonian and Salian emperors
and later trends associated with the so-called Gregorian reformers; and
(iv) it contains a number of canons applicable to Montecassino itself,
several of which are known only from this manuscript. Moreover, the
manuscript in which the collection is found is interesting
codicologically because two texts written beneath the current text have
been erased or palipsested to provide material for the canonical
colleciton. Since many of the texts found in the collection have been
published elsewhere, an 'implicit' edition has been provided,
giving only the incipit or explicit of each canon, together with an
identification of the source of the canon and where a published or
manuscript version of the canon may be found. Indices of incipits and
attributions of the canons in the collection, as well as a subject
index, conclude the volume.