A Challenge for Painted Architecture in Early Modern Times
Architecture on Canvas and Fresco Painting
Sabine Frommel, Piet Lombaerde (eds)
- Pages: iv + 483 p.
- Size:180 x 265 mm
- Illustrations:20 b/w, 238 col.
- Language(s):English, French, Italian
- Publication Year:2024
- ISBN: 978-2-503-60852-5
- Hardback
- Available
The scope of the publication is broad and ranges from painted façades and interiors of buildings to representations of architecture on paintings and frescoes.
Since 2003, Sabine Frommel is Directeur d’études at the Chair of Renaissance Art History at the École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres). She deals with the great architects of the Italian Renaissance, the evolution of architectural typologies and languages in the 15th and 16th centuries, and the birth and development of the discipline of architectural history. Since 2020 she is a correspondent member of the Académie des beaux-arts de Paris.
Piet Lombaerde is emeritus professor in theory and history of architecture and urbanism at the University of Antwerp, faculty of design sciences. His research interests cover the history of fortifications (1500-1900), urban history and the history of hydraulics. He is co-editor with Krista De Jonge (KU Leuven) of the series Architectura Moderna (Brepols Publisher) and author of several books on the history and theory of architecture and urban planning.
If specialists of painting look at figures - their movements and expressions -, architectural scholars examine drawings and buildings. Yet the convergence of these two disciplines remains largely marginalized. The aims of the publication is to remedy this situation, covering a wide range from painted façades and interiors of buildings to representations of architecture on paintings and frescoes. The theme contributes to the breaking down of boundaries between imagination and realization in the field of architecture and favors a more profound understanding of the permeability of the two spheres. Many different approaches are addressed in this publication, including examples from the sixteenth century in Italy and The Netherlands and the early eighteenth-century in France and Britain.
The contributions in this publication are arranged according to four main themes. The first one focuses on The Temple of Solomon and the Old Testament, a favorite subject of the genre Architecturae Pictae. The second theme brings together several contributions which reflect on the significance that can be ascribed to architecture in paintings, some of which investigate the theoretical concepts that inform both architecture and painting. In the third theme, a number of case studies in Italy, the Low Countries, France and Britain, the contributions are much different from one other both in terms of content and methodology. As a final theme, a special topic is addressed, focusing on the important patrons of these buildings and liked to see themselves immortalized in painted architecture.
Part I: The Temple of Solomon and the Old Testament
Pedro A. Galera Andreu and Felipe Serrano Estrella, From the Temple of Solomon to Celestial Jerusalem: Symbolic Architecture in Spanish Baroque Painting
Francesco Guidi, Notes on Pellegrino Tibaldi, El Escorial, and the Temple of Jerusalem
Luis Rueda Galan, The Paradox of Villalpando’s Temple of Solomon in Northern European Painting
Eckhard Leuschner, Architecture in Pictures with Old Testament Subject Matter in Seicento Rome and Naples
Part II: On Meaning in Painted Architecture and Architectural Theory
Sabine Frommel, L’architecture peinte dans des scènes bibliques et des récits antiques au XVIIe siècle. Mutations des langages et des valeurs sémantiques
Mathieu Lett, Charles Le Brun et la représentation peinte de l’architecture. Utilité, convenance et ambitions savantes
Francisco Ollero, Painted Architectures, Paintings in Architecture. The Perspectives of Francisco Gutiérrez Cabello (1616-c.1670)
Part III: Architectural Representations in Paintings during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries in Europe: Case Studies
Giuseppe Bonaccorso, Architettura picta e architettura di carta. Enigmatiche convergenze nel progetto di Carlo Fontana per una chiesa nel Colosseo
Sonia Cavicchioli, L’architettura come soggetto nell’invenzione pittorica del Domenichino
Lauro Magnani, Architetture dipinte e rinnovamento urbano a Genova nel secondo Cinquecento
Annarosa Cerutti Fusco, Finte architetture nell'opera pittorica di Pietro da Cortona a Roma nel Pontificato di Urbano VIII Barberini. Temi e interpretazioni
Piet Lombaerde, Painted Architecture in the Age of Rubens: The Case of the Southern Low Countries in the Late Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Bernard M. Vermet, On the Relations between Bertholomeus van Bassen and Dirck van Delen and the Role of Their Personal Contacts
Raphaël Tassin, L’architecture dans l’œuvre de Claude Gellée le Lorrain. Réalité recomposée ou recherche d’idéal?
Lydia Hamlett, Painted Architecture in the British Baroque
Part IV: Architectural Representations in Paintings for the Courts of Popes, Cardinals, and Kings
Neela Struck, Picturing Projects: The Painterly Staging of Roman Buildings under Pope Paul V
Arnold Witte, Mediating Architectural Prestige: Cardinals’ Portraits, 1570-1650
Daniela del Pesco, L’architettura dipinta durante il regno di Luigi XIV