Isaac Argyrus, Iohannes Cantacuzenus
Isaaci Argyri Opera omnia theologica necnon Iohannis ex-imperatoris Cantacuzeni Oratio adversus Argyrum
Ioannis D. Polemis (ed)
- Pages: lxxxi + 266 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Greek, English
- Publication Year:2021
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59275-6
- Hardback
- Available
Ioannis Polemis is full Professor of Byzantine Literature at the University of Athens, Department of Philology. He specializes in Byzantine philosophical and theological literature of the 14th century.
Isaac Argyros was a leading astronomer and theologian of the late 14th century, who spent most of his life at the Chora monastery in Constantinople. Besides several works on astronomy, he wrote a number of treatises against the Palamites in the tradition of his teacher and mentor Nicephorus Gregoras: (1.) De quattuor modis participationis Dei; (2.) De lumine Transfigurationis ad Gedeonem Zographum; and (3.) Solutio quaestionis cuiusdam Palamiticae.
Former emperor John Cantacuzenus composed a lenghty treatise against Argyrus (Contra Argyrum), in which he attacks the fact that Argyros and his followers deny three things: that the seven spirits referred to by Isaiah are uncreated; that the grace of God is uncreated; and that men receive gifts of God in an immediate manner.
Together, the four texts in this edition shed light on an interesting chapter in the palamite controversy.