David Rosand (1938-2014) was the Meyer Schapiro Professor of Art History at Columbia University and served as the chairman of the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery. Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, he was also a foreign member of the Ateneo Veneto in Venice as well as an art historian, critic, commited teacher and an advocate for the conservation of cultural heritage. He passed away at his home in Manhattan in 2014, at the age of 75.
“No matter how aware we must be of the historical distance between us and the Venetian cinquecento — or any time and place not our own — the images themselves do speak directly to across that temporal divide."
— David Rosand in 'Painting in Sixteenth-Century Venice'.
In honour of Rosand's remarkable contributions towards art history, Harvey Miller has recently published two new titles regarding his work.
Rosand's 'Paolo Veronese', edited by Mary Frank, is a masterly account of the Venetian painter’s artistic achievement, demonstrating a complete command of the literature and scholarly issues, insightful interpretations of individual paintings and drawings, and a marvelously elegant prose style. Rosand’s reading of each painting judiciously considers how Veronese brought his pictorial intelligence to bear on the formal qualities of his work to create his own personal rhetoric of visual expression, one that embodies the “dignity and nobility of painting” and resonates with viewers and readers today.
'Titian’s Poetics. Selected Essays by David Rosand', edited by Diane H. Bodart and Cleo Nisse, offers an extensive compendium of the late professor’s writings on Titian through a collection of essays published between 1971 and 2014. Through a careful selection, curated around Rosand's primary concerns with "Titian the painter and on the affective structures of his art, his technique and mimetic power, on its poetry", this book reconstitutes the many facets of his vision of the artist.