We are pleased to let you know that from 2025 onwards Brepols will take over the Neulateinisches Jahrbuch-Journal of Neo-Latin Language and Literature [ISSN 1438-213X] from Nomos/Georg Olms.
The Neulateinisches Jahrbuch (NEULAT) – Journal of Neo-Latin Language and Literature publishes scholarly articles and shorter gleanings on Neo-Latin authors and topics, as well as editions of Neo-Latin texts. Other standard sections of NEULAT are reviews, reports and proposals of scholarly projects, as well as announcements of other initiatives in the area of Neo-Latin studies.
Fields of interest:
- Neo-Latin Philology
- Classical Philology
- Intellectual & Cultural History
- Literary History
- Reception Studies
Editor-in-Chief: Marc Laureys (Universität Bonn)
Editorial board:
- Wouter Bracke (KBR/Université Libre, Bruxelles)
- Luc Deitz (Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg/Universität Trier)
- Reinhold F. Glei (Universität Bochum)
- Christoph Pieper (Universiteit Leiden)
- Alexander Winkler (Zuse-Institute, Berlin)
- Astrid Steiner-Weber (Universität Bonn), Production Editor
Please send all subscription renewals to Brepols.
The next issue will be vol. 26 (2024-2025), and is scheduled to publish in the course of 2025. Individual print back issues of vol. 25 (2023) and vol. 24 (2022) are also available from Brepols.
Subscription options and prices 2025:
Vol. 26 (2024-25)
Print/Print & Online: € 113
Online Only: € 108
(price incl. shipping, excl. VAT)
Individual print issues available for Purchase:
Vol. 25 (2023) [ISBN 978-3-487-16657-5]: € 99
Vol. 24 (2022) [ISBN 978-3-487-16308-6] : € 99
(price excl. shipping, excl. VAT)
For more info & subscriptions, contact: periodicals@brepols.net