2023 Best Book Prize ISSEME

The International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England (ISSEME) has awarded Ideas of the World in Early Medieval English Literature, edited by Mark Atherton, Kazutomo Karasawa and Francis Leneghan, with the 2023 ISSEME Best Book Prize.

The ISSEME jury concluded about this volume:
An inspiring collection with fifteen contributors, ranging from new voices to experienced scholars, who investigate how the inhabitants of early medieval England perceived the outside world and how they positioned themselves in relation to other peoples and cultures. A timely and well-construed collection that touches on a variety of topical subjects (inclusivity, exclusivity, connectivity, apartness, multiculturalism, insularity), which is sure to be a starting point for many research projects in the future.


Mark Atherton is Senior Lecturer in English at Regent’s Park College, Oxford.
Kazutomo Karasawa is Professor of English Philology at Rikkyo University. 
Francis Leneghan is Professor of Old English at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of St Cross College.