Journal Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 61

Bulletin de philosophie médiévale 61 (2019, publ. 2020)

  • Pages: xiv + 330 p.
  • Size:156 x 234 mm
  • Illustrations:3 col.
  • Language(s):French, English, Italian
  • Publication Year:2020

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-58722-6
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available


    Loris Sturlese, Ricordo di Tullio Gregory

    Alessandra Beccarisi, Editorial

    I. Recherches et notes

    Elisa Bisanti, Unpublished Glosses on the Latin Phaedo Transmitted in Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL Ms. 64, as Sources for Henry Bate of Malines' Speculum Divinorum

    Alexander Fidora, Isaac Lumpurlanés, John of Muntisol's Commentary on Aristotle's Peri hermeneias

    Tianyue Wu, Aquinas on Mixed Actions

    Loris Sturlese, Elisa Rubino, Nuovi frammenti dei trattati di Dietrich di Freiberg nelle biblioteche di Berlino, Heidelberg, Londra e Utopia

    Alessandro Palazzo, Eckhart on Signification

    Marilena Panarelli, John Krosbein's Commentary on the Pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis: A Critical Edition

    Aurora Panzica, Les questions sur les météorologiques du manuscrit Vat. Lat. 4082: Blaise de Parme, Nicole Oresme et l'Inter omnes impressiones

    Gustavo Fernandez Walker, A 15th-Century Handbook on Aristotelian Logic: The Anonymous Logica "Quadrupliciter"

    II. Congrès terminés

    Jerusalem, Tel Aviv: “Critical Editions of Medieval Philosophic Translations. Challenges and Opportunities” (Yosef Schwartz, Andreas Speer, Diana Di Segni)

    Beijing: “Learning to Be Human”. The XXIVth World Congress of Philosophy. Sections of Medieval Philosophy (Hui Hui)

    Roma: “Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298): La construction de la personne humaine. Anthropologie, éthique, société” (Francesco Pica)

    Leuven: “A Question of Life and Death. Living and Dying in Medieval Latin Philosophy, 1200-1500” (Tilke Nelis)

    Paris: “Pierre Abélard, génie multiforme” (Dominique Poirel, Pascale Bermon)

    Paris: “Thomas Aquinas on the Human Body. Nature and Destiny” (Marta Borgo)

    Bonn: “Duns Scotus’s Interlocutors at Paris” (Marieke Berkers, Benno van Croesdijk)

    Cluj-Napoca: “Medicine and Philosophy: The longue durée of humoral theory” (Evelina Miteva, Martin Lenz)

    Pisa: “Philosophy in the Abrahamitic Traditions: Intellect, Experience, and More” (Giulio Navarra)

    III. Notices sur les institutions ou associations adonnées spécialement à l'étude de la pensée médiévale

    Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca di Filosofi a Medievale “Carlo Giacon” (CIRFIM) (Giovanni Catapano)

    Albertus-Magnus-Institut (AMI) (Marc-Aeilko Aris)

    IV. Informations concernant la SIEPM

    In memoriam Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem (Andreas Speer, Carlos Steel)

    In memoriam Pieter De Leemans (Carlos Steel, Maarten Hoenen)

    Minutes of the 93rd Meeting of the Bureau of the SIEPM (Varna 11 September 2019)

    V. Tables