Journal IKON, vol. 6

IKON 6/2013


Marina Vicelja (ed)

  • Pages: 330 p.
  • Size:240 x 310 mm
  • Language(s):English, French, Italian
  • Publication Year:2013

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-55131-9
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available



    Michelle P. Brown, Visons and Eremitic Vocation in the "Deserts" of the North: The Iconography of Insular Hagiography

    Veronika Nela Gašpar, Le apparizioni mariane nel nostro tempo: Il significato e i criteri del discernimento nella teologia

    Marianne Sághy, Hungarians in Hell: The Visions of Laurentius de Tar

    Dominic E. Delarue, Viri Dei: Visionen, Erscheinungen und Wunder in spätmittelalterlichen Bildzyklen zu den Heiligen Jodokus, Antonius und Benedikt

    Ludovico V. Geymonat, Un disegno preparatorio del XIII secolo per un ciclo pittorico sull’Apocalisse

    Alessandro Tomei, I pannelli dell’Apocalisse di Stoccarda e altre visioni angioine

    Barbara Baert, "Gender", visione e sensi: nuova luce sul tabernacolo del Beato Chiarito

    Gaetano Curzi, Multiple Visions at Santa Maria del Casale in Brindisi: Art, Politics and Devotion in the Principality of Taranto

    Lado Mirianashvili, Non-Traditional Iconography of The Hospitality of Abraham from the Refectory of Udabno Monastery in Davit-Gareji, Georgia

    Branislav Cvetković, Vision of the Heavenly City in Jošanica Monastery

    Ivan Gerát, Visions and the Image of Ecclesiastical Dignitaries in the Pre-Reformation Period

    Giedrė Mickūnaitė, Maniera Graeca in Europe’s Catholic East Representation, Imagination and Tradition: A Case Study of the Parish Church of Trakai in Lithuania

    Janet Robson, Bonaventure’s "Visions of the Cross" in the Saint Francis Cycle at Assisi

    Karen McCluskey, Miraculous Visions: Apparitio in the Vitae of Mediaeval Venetian Saints and Beati

    Ana Munk, Visions of Beatitude in Santa Maria Novella’s Paradise: The Ultimate Goal of Human Endeavor in Monastic Tradition and Dominican Thought

    Ivana Čapeta Rakić, La visione del frate Domenicano Lorenzo dalla Grotteria e gli echi

    dell’iconografia del miracolo di Soriano in Dalmazia

    Giuseppe Capriotti, Visions, Mental Images, Real Pictures: The Mystical Experience and

    the Artistic Patronage of Sister Battista da Varano

    Valentina Živković, Visions of the Blessed Osanna of Kotor (Cattaro)

    Lasse Hodne, Omnivoyance and Omnipresence: Word and Vision According to Nicholas of Cusa and Jan van Eyck

    Yvonne zu Dohna, The Aesthetic of Spirituality: Ignatius, Luther, and Caravaggio’s and Rembrandt’s Painting of St Matthew and the Angel

    Contributions – Reviews – Appendix

    Zora Žbontar, Visions in Dreams in Antiquity and the Middle Ages

    Davide Longhi, The Cosmic Cross as Logos’ Theophany: First Version of Sant’Apollinare in Classe’s Apsidal Mosaic and Jerusalem’s Staurophany of AD 351

    Rostislava Todorova, Visualizing the Divine: Mandorla as a Vision of God in Byzantine Iconography

    Meliha Teparić, Islamic Calligraphy and Visions

    Sarah Timme, „Der Seherin Gesicht": Nordische Weissagungen in der bildenden Kunst des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts

    Sixth International Conference of Iconographic Studies

    Guidelines for Authors